Community social feed need to allow for us to see Friend's Posts History

Like with Facebook, Twitter, IG or even MySpace, Fitbit Social Feed needs to allow for users to see an individual posts history.


Why are all these communities popular and engaging?  Because you can tell people to check out "MySpace" or check out my Facebook page, or my latest picture on IG.  Or you can tell your friends to check the tweet from Donald Trump.  We're going to war with North Korea.


Sure, Facebook, Twitter and IG provide you feeds, but it's almost impossible to check out all the posts on the feeds.  Sometimes, if you think you might miss something, you simply have to go to the individual's page.


To be truly a motivating social media platform, and to take fitness engagement with Friends and Family to a totally new level, this feature needs to be added before the world wide roll-out.


@CallieM, I've submitted my idea.  Please do pass it on to the engineers.  If the decision was to purposely not include individualize pages for users, we would like to at least know the reason why.  Thanks.


@CallieeFitbit Is there anyway to tell if anyone from Fitbit has read this idea or if it's being reviewed?  

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Hi @Gonfreaksss we wanted to let you know that we implemented your request and you can now see previous post history in community feed. To follow your own posts, you can now just go to the profile page, click on something you've has posted and review all comments. We hope that's helpful 🙂

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