Export as GPX data

Several users have mentioned interest in exporting their GPS data in the .gpx format. Please vote and comment on this thread if you are interested in such a feature, to let our developers know.


Moderator Edit: Updated label

Recovery Runner

I would love to be able to export my GPS data in .gpx format.  This would really tighten up the sync between my runs and calories used, taking into account my effort based on elevation as well as just distance covered.  Please consider this  🙂  Thank you.


As an athlete I have a strong need for this tool, so I put together a basic tool to export Fitbit data to .GPX: http://andrewchapello.com/post//an-open-source-tool-to-export-fitbit-gps-data


Still, it would be great if Fitbit could implement this feature into its product.

Base Runner

I consider this a bare minimum feature, and will be returning the Surge if it's not implemented somewhat soon. Though, to be honest, I'd prefer a Garmin-format TCX export with the heart rate and steps-derived cadence data included in addition to the trackpoints you'd get in the GPX format.

Base Runner

Yeah, Garmin's TCX format would be great. If not, I'd settle for the GPX. This is pretty essential. Like the others, my primary interest is in using the device to track my running and biking. I'll admit I've developed a serious secondary interest in tracking the other stats and activities, and the gamification of fitness has led me to take the stairs at the office more freqently just to pump up my numbers.


But I have, for several years now, kept all of my running, cycling and paddling stats in the third-party application RubiTrack, even as my Garmin posted the data to Garmin's site. There's nothing wrong with FitBit's site, it's just that I like having a local, canonical record of all my stuff, too, and all in one place in case, in the future, I switch devices again.


Keeping Pace

I'd love to buy the surge but integration with 3rd partie websites is essential.  I train with smashrun.com and have 4 years of runs there with GPS, heartrate, etc.  They use the Nike+ API to allow me to sync all runs from my current Sportswatch, and a similar API is essential - loading GPX, TCX and/or HRM files individually is possible but really too cumbersome.


I actually purchased the Surge thinking that this was basic functionality. My hope was that I could use the Surge to replace my Garmin 110 and Fitbit Force. Please implement ASAP as I use this function as a runner almost daily.

First Steps

+1, export data. Fitbit gains enough from us getting our data, we should be able to use it too.

Base Runner

I'm strongly thinking getting the Surge to replace my Garmin watch, but if I can't get all track data (inculding HR and GPS) out of the Fitbit app, i'm not going that way. This is a deal breaker. 

Base Runner

I use both Garmin Edge devices for cycling and the Surge.  Would like to see the ability to export in GPX formats and have a cycling option for exercise.  So far I really like the Surge.

First Steps

Got a fitbit surge for Christmas and have almost four years data on Runmeter that I'd either like to be able to export into fitbit, or have fitbit export gpx data into Strava. Please get this accomplished fitbit dudes!


this is an absolute must have to make the surge viable... to many of us have been using other services for to long and need our data elsewhere.  I will not buy if this doesn't happen.

First Steps

I don't always track my activitis using the newish fitbit iPhone app. For longer hikes or when i'm off the grid I'll often use my garmin dedicated gps. Other services let me upload a gpx or tcx file to add an activity. I would love to do this. This way, not only is the activity added, but it's tied to the map.

Not applicable

If fitbit isn't going to support Apple's Healthkit and I can't import tcx or gpx files from another service I've used, I don't see the point being locked into another "ecosystem" and lose my historical data. 


It is great that the Surge tracks GPS data but if I can't import, I might as well return it and stick to my current solution.


I would hope FitBit would at least push HR data to Healthkit. I think this option alone would be very beneficial to current users.


this is a must-have. without it, I am considering returning my surge. 


if you add this feature, you link the wearable activity tracker community with the athlete community. if you don't, then you are basically saying that you just want people who go for walks in the park to be users. For now, I am wearing my Garmin AND my surge when I run/ride. if this feature isn't added soon, I will probably return the surge. I have 45 days (40 now).


First Steps

Yep, this exactly. Was thinking of buying a Surge for my wife, but probably won't without the ability to export GPS data.


+1 Really like what the Surge has to offer, but will only buy it if I can also use it to track long hiking trails.

Base Runner
Base Runner

@branning thank you for the link, that's promising. But there should also be an export feature through the web interface for both TCX and GPX! 🙂


Why wasn't GPX data a free option from the start? Please add it and ability to connect directly with digifit for gps tracking during workouts.

First Steps

I would also suggest an export to Excel with GPS coordinate, speed,heading , altitude in it. Since you can check the track by right click view source and you get your GPS track.


Strava integration all the way. Let's go GPX or TCX export.

Recovery Runner

I just got the Surge and really like it too.  I am adding my +1 for allowing us to export GPS data (to Strava for my needs).  Additionally it would be GREAT to use the HR Monitor in the Surge to sync with Strava on my iPhone for my activities.  I usually just use my iPhone with Strava to map activities but would like to use my HR data on the fly too.  


This is the response that I received from Strava:

"It depends on what iPhone you're using, and what communication protocol the heart rate monitor uses. If the heart rate monitor supports the bluetooth low energy protocol, then you should be able to pair it provided you are using an iPhone 4S or newer:

Protocols available by phone type:


iPhone 3gs: ANT+ with Wahoo ANT+ key only
iPhone 4: ANT+ with Wahoo ANT+ key only
iPhone 4s: Bluetooth Low Energy or ANT+ with Wahoo ANT+ key
iPhone 5, 5c, 5s, 6, 6 plus: Bluetooth Low Energy only"


I specifically have the iPhone 6, so I am curious about the Bluetooth Low Energy one.





Recovery Runner

 I agree with many of the abover posts, the ability to export GPS data or even share it with fitbit friends is a huge limitation of this device for athletes and is a very basic function is missing.  Had I known this, I would not have purchased the Surge.  The website advertises that the Surge 'syncs' with apps like mapmyrun, but does not say that it does not export any exercise GPS data!  Exporting how many steps I took in a day to mapmyrun is just silliness.


In order to be able to have exportable data I still have to carry my iphone as well as track with the Surge, making the Surge an unnecessary part of the tracking equation.

Please fix soon!


Exporting GPS and HR data is absolutely essential. I will not consider buying until implemented.

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