Track REM, Light and Deep Sleep

it would be great if the Fitbit app could also give us REM, light sleep and deep sleep.

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Stepping Up
I have appreciated all of the recent updates on Fitbit.

I would like to ask if there are any plans to improve the sleep part of Fitbit. Some other products such as Withings and Jawbone tell how much deep sleep and how much light sleep along with other things. I have the One.

To be clear, I am asking for better sleep technology. Others such as Jawbone and Withings measure how much deep and how much light sleep. Comparatively Fitbit seems to measure every time a person turns over, 17-35 times I have noted.
First Steps
I think the sleep tracking function would be better if it showed a sleep cycle similar to the 'sleep cycle' iPhone app. Rather than just showing awake, restless or asleep, it shows your sleep pattern on a graph with the time along the horizontal axis and deep sleep, sleep and awake up the vertical axis. Some of the time when a person is 'restless' they might actually be asleep, just in a lighter stage of sleep. That app also tracks quality of sleep. Essentially it shows similar information just in a more useful way, I think.
First Steps
I completely agree! It would be using the same information it captures, but just showing it in a different way.
First Steps
Would like to see a daily percent of sleep quality which includes percent of deep sleep. Would like to set a daily sleep goal.
First Steps

I would too. Would also like to see the times I am waking up.

First Steps

I would love to be able to sync my fitbit data to my Sleep Cycle app. The information provided on my sleep cycle is incredibly helpful. I would also love to have my Fitbit sync to Runkeeper and vice versa. 


I would like to see a more informative sleep chart to include light sleep, deep sleep (body refresh) and REM sleep (mind refresh). It is good to know the amount of sleep you are getting but to know the quality of sleep would make it a better tool.


I am seeing others advertising the ability to see REM cycles and light sleep and deep sleep.  They are very interesting


Are other vendor devices more functional than fitbit HR devices or is it just software features fitbit has not implemented?

Pace Setter

The sleep cycles are all estimates. Basically every person follows roughly the same cycle of REM, light, deep (but this can vary widely from person to person). So what other trackers do I think is use a time-based algorithim that this person fell asleep at this time and so he is likely in REM at this time, etc. And of course restlessness can confirm or negate that calculation.


The problem with this is it's not that accurate so I think Fitbit has stayed away from it because it might give people false information, and someone with a real sleep disorder may think they're normal if they use that as a basis.

Base Runner

I could not have said it better... But add it to the charge series too!

Base Runner

Yeah, and my blood glucose level too.

Come on Fitbit - make an effort!

I totally agree, misses my sleep. Only awake and restless. I got this for the smart watch features, but I should have just gone for the Basis Peak or lost the smart watch features and gone with the up3. Their app is so much better. Have only had this for 2 weeks and paid for the extra warranty. I will probably just take it back
Not applicable

Have seen other companies who have this feature, but will be of great value for better analysis of the sleep data. Don't stay behind Fitbit! Smiley Happy

Not applicable

The Jawbone UP24 and Withings Pulse O2 have the level of details that Surge, Charge, and Charge HR should strive to reach.  The information as it is presented now is very simple and doesn't really provide as much insight as to see how many hours of "sound sleep" vs. how many hours of "light sleep" I had last night.  REM tracking would be great to have, but realistically, as far as I know nobody has been able to figure that one out.  Jawbone claims that UP3 does it...but as far as I know that device is just Vaporware.


hi there, 

when i had the force i was able to track the sleep quality better, now its not as detailed.

Now i have the charge, and its not the same? Disappointed.


Recovery Runner
A "Sleep-Cycle-alert" would be a creat feature, too.
Recovery Runner

REM, light and deep sleep is being addressed by the competitors with exact same technology, so Fitbit just needs to figure out the algorithums to make it happen.  I understand there will also need to be a code change to the mobile app, but again, competition has solved this.....please let me stay with Fitbit.


Oh, and there is no battery indicator on the device itself unless it is plugged in and charging......really, that should just be another button press after steps, or HR, or stairs, or calories, or all that other cool stuff.

Please, please, please...


Charge HR's alarm feature is very very very disappointed...


I would like to see the sleep and acitivty pattern graph improved. 

Daily activity at different intensity levels continuously for 24 hours a day of 1 minute granularity in one intuitive graph with different colors are activity type. 

It would be great to view 24 hours snapshot in one graph showing different leveles of activity, light sleep, deep sleep, sedentary, lightly active, fairly active, very active. That includes every day actions of resting, sleep, sitting, walking, running, high intencity work out. Current sleep graph is very limited.





Base Runner

The problem as I understand it is that competitors' products that claim to do this are wildly innaccurate, to the point that I would consider the stats for REM sleep to be made up. From what I've read from actual sleep researchers, there's just no way to tell from just arm movement and HR when someone is in REM sleep. Even "deep" vs. "light" sleep is a stretch.


So fitbit has a conundrum. Do they continue to honestly represent what their technology is capable of while others are making wild claims, or do they join the herd and start making up claims that can't be backed up just to keep customers happy (but decieved)? I'd vote for the former, but if people continue to buy into the competitors' false claims, it will lose them bussiness, at least until people realize that they're being lied to.

First I am not a doctor, but I do have a sleep condition. "Sleep Apnea,"
because of this I have done some reading up on what it takes to monitor
your sleep and sleep staging. I also happen to have lucid dreams, so I like
my time asleep. So, "Yes," actigraphy by itself is not very accurate for
determining sleep staging. To be truthful if it is not a medical device
designed to monitor your sleep stages with the software and a doctor who
knows how to read the data you should not be looking to these devices for
medical kinds of things. Actigraphy can indicate the stages, as to the
exact time and how long in each, I would say it is not very good. Because
we are not doctors this should be enough for us average every day people.
If you think you have a problem and you have the money to get the
professional sleep studies done then do so. If they tell you your fine then
don't blame the companies that make the devices and software, because they
all state they are not to be used to diagnose, monitor, or treat medical

Michael D Kester (USN Ret.)

Through data correlation and pattern recognition we will find out so much
more than we ever thought we could know about everything.

Pace Setter

Agree strongly with this. After using the Ultra (and losing it), I went to replace the tracker and my wife and I both bought Withings Pulse O2 devices, in part because of the HR and pulse ox measuremens. Long story short, the Pulse stinks at tracking steps, but I have to say, their sleep tracking detail is superior to Fitbit's. That's where it stops - I got a Flex as a Christmas gift from my employer and just upgraded to the Surge, but I miss the Withings sleep reports. I'm considering wearing it just when I sleep because it provides a nice level of detail (but must be manually activated and deactivated, unlike the Surge.) But the Surge's ability to detect when you go to sleep and awaken is almost spooky in its accuracy...

Stepping Up

Given that the Charge HR now provides continuous HR data while you're asleep, this means far more powerful analysis of the sleep cycle must be possible.  The "Sleep efficiency" rating is close to useless as it its.  It seems to me that there's so much potential here to provide meaningful data about your sleep!


Forget about badges and gamification, more focus on the real quality data these devices are capable of providing! 🙂



I agree better sleep tracking
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