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Custom faces on Versa 4


Huhu @All,

can I build a custom watch face for the Versa 4?  

I only found this ( ) discription for the old "fitbit"s.

Kind regards,


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no problem, found it by chance myself.

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I had some success with "@fitbit/sdk": "~6.2.0-pre.1", "@fitbit/sdk-cli": "~1.8.0-pre.10" as suggested in this thread

But have the following Issues:
today.adjusted.steps is returning undefined
2. the heart rate update rate is erratic, sometimes delayed for upto 5seconds rather than a consistent 1second
The same code on a Versa 3 is fine

I switched to "@fitbit/sdk": "~7.2.0-pre.0""@fitbit/sdk-cli": "^1.7.3" per Make clockfaces for Versa4 and Sense2 

This fixed issue 1 but issue 2 is the same

I also tried 
"@fitbit/sdk": "~7.1.0-pre.1", "@fitbit/sdk-cli": "~1.8.0-pre.10", which worked but didn't fix any issues

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Below is a copy of a Discord post by MarkBosco (reproduced with his permission):

Got it working! Here were my steps, for anyone that needs it in the future: Creating an app for the Versa 4 (using😞

Comment: Logos must be 80x80 png; dev sdk 7 doesn't work with the fitbit simulator, so you might consider having two different projects, and port the index.js/resources folder around when you're ready to sideload to the physical device.


Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
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I think fitbit SDK 7 has some other problems too, like not working in GAM (which is why my package.json uses 620)

so just keeping it at 6.2.0-pre1 is the best choice I guess

also if on linux you need some udev rules

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