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New Sleep Score reporting

The new reporting for sleep score is terrible. Please reinstate the old version. The way it is displayed makes any improvements moot.


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I completely agree!!

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i used to be able to easily glance at the report to see how my sleep compares to others. I don’t see it now. 


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Couldn’t agree more!  This improvement is terrible! If your going to change things at least make sure it’s an improvement not a step backwards !  This feature is now useless. 

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Wholeheartedly agree, I am unsure as to how Google/Fitbit believes this is an improvement or helpful. Terrible!

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Agreed. I've had a Fitbit for 8 years and regularly purchase an updated model. The main reason I stay with Fitbit and don't swap to an Apple Watch is because of the sleep data. The new reporting for sleep is dreadful and definitely a backward move. If the old version is not reinstated or the new version completely revamped within the next month I'll be jumping ship to Apple. Very disappointed.


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Yeah I prefer the previous display for sleep and oxygen levels

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Totalmente de acuerdo. 

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Awful. Harder to read and can’t be expanded to see more detail!!

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Totally agree!  Cannot get the information that was easily identifiable before.  Useless now

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Exactly.  This new report is by useless 

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I agree - I hate the new sleep score diagram. Return to the old

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Agreed. Aside from the terrible display, it is also inaccurate now. When I am awake in the morning, in bed still and  on my phone, it says I had deep and rem sleep.  The old one knew when I was awake. The new one is useless. The sleep data is the only reason I pay for premium. If it continues to be this incorrect, I will be cancelling premium.

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I agree, very inaccurate. Watching TV prior to bed thinks I’m asleep and
like you in the morning same as you stated.
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At first I thought something was wrong with the fitbit, sleep monitoring is totally off, and I'm not getting scores.  Thought to check here and I find you have totally screwed up the app. Fix it or my wife and I are moving on

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Another thought,  why don't I see any responses from fitbit?

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Not that they’ll care about losing my biz, but if there’s no rollback announced soon, I’ll buy another device for sleep. Incredibly bad change. Design is a disaster. Functions cut as well. 

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Good question!

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Well stated!

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