05-19-2017 15:30
05-19-2017 15:30
For the second time in about a month I have been unable to log into my fitbit app. It also no longer recognizes my email. It's like it deletes my account. When I talked to customer service last time they told me that they could not find my email on file and said that it must have been a wrong email address. That is NOT the case as I know my email address is correct. I've had to reset up my account and have lost all of my information for the second time which really sucks because I want the info to give to my doctor. I have even uninstalled the app and reinstalled hoping that would help but it has not. Why is it deleting my account?
05-20-2017 12:02
05-20-2017 12:02
I'm having a similar problem.
After updating to app version 2.49, it asked me to sign in. It didn't give the usual option to sign in with Facebook or Google, so I just typed in my password. It wouldn't take it.
I went through the whole reset password thing, and it still would not take until I went from the app to the mobile site, where I was able to log in.
Today, trying to log in, it wouldn't take my password until the third try - I was typing very carefully!
When I tried to contact Customer Support, I typed in my problem and hit submit, and nothing happened. It was telling me I had to enter an email address - which was already typed into the box! I erased it and typed it in again, and still my request refused to post. It just sat there.
05-20-2017 12:48
05-20-2017 12:48
Have you been getting your weekly progress reports from Fitbit? They are addressed to the registered email?
05-20-2017 12:53
05-20-2017 12:53
05-20-2017 13:21
05-20-2017 13:21
Your not anle to log in with this address in the app? Is this the email your logged in with now?
05-20-2017 13:35
05-20-2017 13:35
05-20-2017 13:37
05-20-2017 13:37
My email has always been the same. I had to start a whole new account twice. Even customer service was unable to find my account with my email.
05-20-2017 13:40
05-20-2017 13:40
05-20-2017 14:09
05-20-2017 14:09
This is my second reply, as I just received an email telling me I'm not allowed to reply via email. (I received a notification of your response to my email, and there was a reply button, which I used.) Not sure if this is normal, but it is annoying.
I wonder if this has anything to do with app version 2.48 allowing users to login with facebook or google credentials, but 2.49 didn't offer me that option. Could mean that my email can not be verified by fitbit without going thru fb or google servers. Does that make any sense?
05-20-2017 15:47
05-20-2017 15:47
You should be getting an email titled, "Your Weekly Progress Report"
Why not do a srarch of your emaol for this. If it can't be found, along with Fitbit saying that your address has never been used, it all points to setting up the account with the wrong email. Sorry.
When it comes to replying through email your email app has its reply button. This reply simply used the address that sent the message. This will not work.
For me I get a Red Click Here to reply, this is weber i need to tap.
05-20-2017 16:04
05-20-2017 16:04
Yes, I used the click here in red to reply.
It is as if my email is in some fitbit Schroedinger's box where fitbit simultaneously knows and does not know my email.
Fitbit is turning into an enormous time, battery, and patience sink.