08-31-2020 06:41
08-31-2020 06:41
Xiaomi MI A2 Lite, Android 10
Fitbit Charge 4, Fitbit App 3.28
Hello all,
So I've noticed that after a few days of having the Fitbit app always running in the background the new EOV graphs in Sleep start appearing blank (the old ones are still there, it's just stopped drawing new ones), but if I reboot/restart the phone (I might try force stopping the app next time to restart the app) these missing EOV graphs appear!
Same is true for my Profile in Account, coincidentally it also becomes blank after a few days and comes back with a reboot.
This has happen a couple of times. And gives the impression that the Charge 4 has stopped tracking EOV and it's not true, it is tracking and the information is in the system but it stopped displaying it.
09-03-2020 05:25
09-03-2020 05:25
Happened again, EOV graph didn't appear this morning, force stopped the app, started up the app again and the EOV appeared.
I wish Fitbit personnel would actually read this.
09-06-2020 04:45
09-06-2020 04:45
Continues to happen with version 3.29 of the App.
Anyone at Fitbit is reading this?
09-06-2020 23:31
09-06-2020 23:31
I have the same problem.
No graphs with sleep.
No graphs when pressing heart rate, only the days show. not today! And so my condition score is missing too.
09-07-2020 03:42
09-07-2020 03:42
Hello @Anya22 ! Yes, I can confirm that also lose the condition score and the main graph in the heart rate section when I lose the other graphs (comes back after force stopping and restarting the app).
09-07-2020 03:57
09-07-2020 03:57
Thank you, this worked for me!
09-08-2020 16:47
09-08-2020 16:47
Hi @Anya22 @Specimen , nice to see you in the Community! Thank you for your information and for letting us know about this issue. We’re aware of it and are working to identify a resolution as quickly as possible.We're sorry for any trouble caused.
We appreciate your patience and look forward to getting you back on track.Please let us know if there's anything we can do to assist you in the meantime
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.
11-02-2020 07:11
11-02-2020 07:11
Unfortunately, in the Fitbit App version: 3.32 this issue is still present, had to force stop the app today to get back the missing graphs. 2 months, issue still not fixed.
11-06-2020 12:32
11-06-2020 12:32
Stopped working for me today as well...
Any fixes available?