07-09-2019 11:18
07-09-2019 11:18
Hi there! I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to do what I'm thinking of.
I often cook the same meals using products with barcodes, so I scan the barcodes to input my intake on the fitbit app.
However it would be a lot more efficient if I could create a meal by bundling together a bunch of foods. So let's say for my breakfast smoothie, I could check off that it includes my frozen strawberries, peanut butter, milk, etc etc. Then when I make that for breakfast instead of searching for all those individual foods, I can just say I had my smoothie and it includes all those things.
I've tried poking around the app and the closest I can get is creating a custom food, but that's like starting from scratch which I don't want to do.
Has anyone been able to do something like this?
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Hi @JReynolds, it's great to see a new member around!
Thanks for your question, and let me share that there is an option in the online dashboard to create specific meals. I found this very helpful as when I'm cooking, I'm able to add all the individual ingredients only once, and if I cook the same meal another day, I can just choose that meal from Favorites. Here are the steps:
Give it a try and let me know how it goes!