01-29-2025 03:17
01-29-2025 03:17
I updated to version 4.35 today and now I am unable to login to the app despite changing the password and uninstalling and reinstalling. The message is 'check your details are correct. If you moved fitbit to your Google account, go back and sign in with Google.'
I haven't linked my fitbit and Google account.
01-29-2025 06:15
01-29-2025 06:15
Hello @Mechgru I haven't seen exact dates for when a user will be required to login through Google. So far the best I can find is sometime in 2025, so yes you will want to switch ASAP.
Do you see any error messages when logging into the app?
You logged into a fitbit account to write the above post. Is this the same account that you use with the app?
I encourage you to switch to a Google login before the deadline. https://support.google.com/fitbit/answer/14237024
01-29-2025 07:35
01-29-2025 07:35
Hi Rich,
Thanks for your quick reply. The problem is nothing to do with Google. I can log in to the fitbit forums, but not the app after it was updated to version 4.35 yesterday. Despite changing my password numerous times I still can't log in to the app.
I was going to change to Google login, but I can't until I can successfully login using my fitbit username and password.
01-29-2025 08:54
01-29-2025 08:54
Are you still getting the check your details?
I've had a similar problem and only solved it by copy/pasting from my saved passwords.
I normally would suggest clearing the fitbit data through the phones settings, but reinstalling the app did this.
My app is on version 4.34.1.fitbit-mobile-110186727-713097289
Occasionally people have created a second account to post in the community, checking that wasn't the case.
01-29-2025 08:55
01-29-2025 08:55
@Rich_Laue , Thank you for your help.
@Mechgru , A warm welcome to the Community! Thank you for your reports. Our team had identified the issue and worked a solution for it.
Please restart your phone (off/on) and try to log in again.
Let us know how it goes.
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.