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I have the latest version 4.19 FitBit app installed in my Lenovo Tab P11 Plus tablet. Recently all the Health Metrics measurement line graphs, which I used to view almost daily, have disappeared. The screen space assigned for the graphs just remains blank when the desired measurement medical parameter is selected.
I spent over two hours force stopping the app, uninstalling the app, power on/off cycling my tablet for cold reset starts, downloading and re-installing the version 4.19 app from the Google Play Store and re-establishing the BlueTooth link. I have found multiple times that the graphs do re-appear only the first time I run the Fitbit app after re-installation. It synchronizes OK with the FitBit server. Then if I close the Fitbit app and start it a second time the graphs are again missing and remain missing even if I do a subsequent cold restart of my tablet. The graphs only appear on the first run after the multi-step re-install procedure.
The environment details: FitBit app version 4.19; Android 12; Lenovo P11 Plus - Model TB-J616F
Judging from my experiences and the number of postings from others also complaining about the graphs being missing it would appear that there is a bug in the app that has not been corrected.
Please provide a solution.
Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.
06-24-2024 11:25
06-24-2024 11:25
@TMASYL , A warm welcome to the Community! Thank you for your message and efforts.
Please on the tablet, go to settings>Apps >Fitbit App and clear cache. Restart the tablet (off/on)
Start the Fitbit app. The info should be shown now.
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.
06-24-2024 19:02
06-24-2024 19:02
Greetings Juan,
Thanks for your suggestion!
Unfortunately it did not solve the problem after I completed: "settings>Apps >Fitbit App and clear cache. Restart the tablet (off/on) Start the Fitbit app. "
Still no graphs - just as before - blank space!
I wonder if it is a bug in the FitBit app that needs to be fixed? Strange that it only works on the first run of the FitBit app after a fresh install. Maybe FitBit app does not close properly?
06-25-2024 09:40
06-25-2024 09:40
@TMASYL , Thank you for your reply!
Do you have another Android device at hand, to try installing the app there and check if the issue is also shown there.
If possible try installing the Fitbit app on the other Android device and check if everything is working there. If everything is shown there, it means that there is an issue on the Tablet and the app.
If you can see everything on the other device every time. Try the following on the tablet.
Uninstall the Fitbit App.
Turn the tablet off/on again.
Install the Fitbit app and log in.
Check if the data is shown again.
This should help avoid getting any saved setting on the previous app to be used and affect the new one.
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.
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Thank you for your suggestion!
However I have already performed the re-install procedure, exactly as you describe, several times prior to initially reporting this problem. I found that for the first run of a fresh FitBit app install the graphs are drawn and appear just fine. BUT ONLY FOR THE FIRST RUN of the app after the fresh re-install. Once I close the freshly installed app and re-start it the problem is back - no graphs, just a blank page under the title that refers to the graph below which isn't there. The only way I have found to recover is to delete the app, re-boot and re-install the app. I have done this re-install procedure more than once with the same result each time. Consistently the graphs display failure returns once the FitBit app is closed for the first time after re-install and then re-opened.
Please advise.
Further to my previous messages I have discovered the graphs are normal with PORTRAIT orientation however when in LANDSCAPE orientation the graphs are missing.
Until just a few weeks ago the FitBit app was locked to portrait orientation. Then suddenly (following an update I presume) I discovered I could finally use landscape orientation for FitBit which is much desirable for tablet use. Portrait orientation would of course better for cell phone displays which I imagine is why it was previously locked to portrait only. During the initial install and setup procedure portrait orientation works best. Thus whilst doing initial tests the tablet was used in portrait mode and the graphs were normal. But when the FitBit app was subsequently re-tested the tablet was used in the usual tablet landscape orientation in which case the graphs are missing.
Thus the problem is in the app firmware. Even though the associated descriptive text for the ~Health Metrics~ graphs is normal during landscape orientation the X/Y line graphs are missing.
Please provide an app update that corrects this problem.
06-26-2024 09:46
06-26-2024 09:46
@TMASYL , Thank you for your replies and for the clarification.
It's clear that the only time that you see the graphs and info is on the first launch.
Just to confirm to avoid confusion when in Portrait mode, you see the info on the app, and only the landscape mode is the one with issues or after the first launch, nothing is shown on portrait neither on landscape?
How does it look on the other device?
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.
06-26-2024 15:08
06-26-2024 15:08
No, not related to the first app launch after install as I initially thought.
I became misled because the tablet must be used in portrait orientation mode during initial app installation procedure. However on subsequent launches I always used the tablet in the normal tablet landscape orientation mode. Later I discovered the problem is only orientation mode related - nothing to do with the initial app install as previously thought.
The problem is more simply that the graphs do not display when using landscape orientation.
I have not tried it on any other tablet. It would not likely occur on a cell
06-28-2024 22:10
06-28-2024 22:10
Further to my previous posts regarding missing Health Metrics Graphs I have discovered they are only missing on my tablet when the display is in landscape mode. The graphs do display normally in portrait mode. I am using the latest version of the FitBit app and my Android version is 12.
IMHO it seems probable that this problem is caused by a bug within the FitBit Android app.
I wonder if this forum is the correct place to report this issue or if FitBit has is a more direct customer service website or email address for reporting app glitches?
Does anyone here know if this issue has already been formally reported to FitBit?
06-30-2024 16:05 - edited 06-30-2024 16:10
06-30-2024 16:05 - edited 06-30-2024 16:10
The graphs missing in landscape mode is a known issue.
After the Fitbit app was redesigned, being able to see graphs in landscape mode isn't available. I think they are working on this considering this was an available feature in the old version of the Fitbit app.
Rieko | N California USA MBG PE
07-01-2024 09:31
07-01-2024 09:31
07-01-2024 14:27
07-01-2024 14:27
Sorry, I had edited my response when I remembered that graphs don't work in landscape after the app redesign.
Still, it's good that you submitted feedback in the app. Most likely, you won't receive notification that your report was received or a bug report #. That said, based on what I've seen in other Google product support forums, your report will be received and reviewed by the team.
I'm still hoping that a future app update will restore the ability to see graphs in landscape mode.
Rieko | N California USA MBG PE
07-01-2024 15:05
07-01-2024 15:05