04-17-2022 20:27
04-17-2022 20:27
Regarding the charge 5 is the NFC technically "off" until something like a wireless pay device activates the NFC chip to provide information or is the NFC chip always "broadcasting"
I need to know this... and if it is always broadcasting they really need a way to disable it because it can't be worn in a lot of jobs that require no devices that "broadcast" being worn.
04-18-2022 09:03
04-18-2022 09:03
Get with customer support - phone or chat is best.
04-23-2022 20:01
04-23-2022 20:01
@kevinrocksman To the best of my knowledge, the NFC chip doesn’t broadcast until it is in proximity to a receiver. That being said, I have several family members whose security clearances limit fitness tracker choices. I have seen a Department of Defense list of fitness trackers that gets updated with new devices. The devices that are always OFF the list are wi-fi capable or can store data (transfer music). NFC chip is never mentioned. The Charge 5 is on a current DoD list. You can always check with your HR.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
05-01-2022 06:57
05-01-2022 06:57
The NFC chip, if enabled, will "broadcast" to any NFC receiver that is able to communicate with it. Most of the time this means the chip must be very close to the reader, but a skilled hacker with the right equipment could potentially "skim" this information from as far as 40m away. It's best to turn the NFC feature off until it's needed
05-03-2022 14:08
05-03-2022 14:08
The NFC transmitter actually gets it's power from the NFC reader, so it isn't actually transmitting (and using power) all the time. As @RiskyRaccoon pointed out, there are some potential security risks, though I can't verify the details.
CharlesKn | Mid-Atlantic, USA
60+, strength and cardio
Charge 5, Android, Windows