06-29-2016 15:57
06-29-2016 15:57
There was a recent update that said something about tiles for the android app and I'm not sure if I misunderstood it or not. But I don't have any tiles on my app.
Could someone please take a screenshot of their android fitbit app so I can see what your's looks like.
06-30-2016 15:30
06-30-2016 15:30
08-03-2016 05:14
08-03-2016 05:14
It's great to see you around @Emvy and @oxstardust421xo. If you are not seeing your tiles, please verify that your tracker is paired. If you don't see a tile with the tracker's icon it means that it is not setup. Please follow these steps to paired your tracker from your Android Fitbit app:
1. From the Fitbit app dashboard, tap the menu icon in the top left corner.
2. Tap Devices.
3. Tap the + icon in the top right corner.
4. If you're replacing a tracker, tap the tracker you want to replace. If you're setting up a new tracker, tap Add a new Device.
5. Choose your tracker and follow the onscreen instructions to continue.
About the Dashboard update, we don't have any news about it, but if you receive an update message you can check the "What's new" option on your phone to see what is the update about.
Let me know how it goes.
08-03-2016 09:35
08-03-2016 09:35