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What to do with my Watch locked?

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My versa stopped syncing notifications.   While trouble shooting, I deleted the sync and tried to reestablish it.  I was not successful.   Later , while changing the wristband, I was prompted to enter my passcode.  I ignored it.  Now the watch says it has to be unlocked from my phone but rhw phone doesn't know anout the watch.  Any ideas on how to unlock or reset the phone? 



Moderator edit: Clarified subject

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Welcome to the Forums @sloank.


Let me help you get your Versa working correctly once again.


In this case please try to follow the steps listed in this help article:

  1. From the Fitbit app dashboard, tap the Account icon> your device image. 
  2. Tap Device Lock.
  3. Find the option to reset your PIN code. 

That will do the trick and get everything working correctly.


Please keep me posted on how it goes or if you have any other questions on the matter.

Lanuza | Community Moderator

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The problem is I deleted my devive to try to fix an earlier issue.   There is no device under my devices.

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Removing the device from the users Fitbit account would not be advisable of the device is specifically telling the user to unlock through their Fitbit account. The phone now still needs to be unlocked. 

Let's do a factory reset. 


Fitbit OS hardware reset.

On the watch, hold all three buttons for about twelve seconds. This will trigger the 2-button hardware restart after about eight seconds.


- When the Fitbit logo appears, then disappears, release the bottom right button, whilst continuing to hold the left and top right buttons until you feel a strong vibration. This indicates the factory reset was initiated.


- This process may take several seconds, and eventually, the Fitbit logo appears and the device boots and displays go to


- If you fail to release the bottom right button in time or otherwise don't follow the procedure precisely, the Fitbit logo reappears quickly and boots without factory reset.

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I had tried the factory rest previously without success.  I tried again today.  No success.   Here is what I see:
1. My custom screen displays. 2. I press and hold all 3 buttons. 3. The screen goes black, flashes my screen, goes black then displays the fitbit logo.4. When the logo disappears, I release the bottom right button.5. The screen remains black.  I don't feel a strong vibration. 6. I've continued to hold up to a minute or more and nothing happens. 
On another note, the date and time are wrong.  It shows 6:19 am Tue 28 when it is currently 9:02 am Sat 29.

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Hello @sloank and @Rich_Laue.


@Rich_Laue Thanks for being around to help. @sloank Thank you for trying the factory reset.


@sloank Our support team will be getting in touch with you about this situation via email. Please keep an eye on your email's inbox, spam and trash folders for their mail. I am sure that they will be more than happy to help you find a solution to this situation.


Please keep us posted on how it goes or if you have any other questions on the matter.

Lanuza | Community Moderator

Remember to vote for posts that helped you out! Tired of the same workout music? Try a Podcast! 🙂

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That is exactly the same as mine.  I can't get the factory reset to work.  I would love an email too please to fix the problem

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@Bellaboos why would a factory reset be needed if the tracker is connected to your account? 

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It dont work lmao


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Hello @Jimbob7025 welcome to the forum. 

May I ask what the issue is, and what didn't work? 

Is your tracker still connected to your Fitbit account? 

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My watch is locked with my phone I can’t seem to unlock it 😞 and I can’t send u a photo to show u what I mean 😞 

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I’ve tried everything 😞 factory reset etc and it just keeps going back to this 😞 can’t u delete my account are something 😞 

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I have given up. Mine is in the junk drawer 

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  • Since the watch days unlock with phone, the user will not want to remove the watch from their for it app or their Fitbit account. The instructions are fairly easy and takes less than 30 seconds to fix. 

Open the Fitbit app

Navigate to the watch settings. 

Tap Device Lock

Enter the phones unlock code. 

Setup new pin for watch. 


The way to keep this from happening again is to set the pin lock for, only Fitbit pay. 

If the watch has been removed from the account, note that this will make it impossible to follow the instructions to Unlock with Phone and we will have to do a 3 button reset. 

The instructions may be found above. And I'll repost here. 


Fitbit OS hardware reset.

On the watch, hold all three buttons for about twelve seconds. This will trigger the 2-button hardware restart after about eight seconds.


- When the Fitbit logo appears, then disappears, release the bottom right button, whilst continuing to hold the left and top right buttons until you feel a strong vibration. This indicates the factory reset was initiated.


- This process may take several seconds, and eventually, the Fitbit logo appears and the device boots and displays go to


- If you fail to release the bottom right button in time or otherwise don't follow the procedure precisely, the Fitbit logo reappears quickly and boots without factory reset.


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Doesn’t work I’ve tried everything 😞 they is no watch on my account 😞 

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The first mistake was removing the watch from the Fitbit account. Especially when the watch needs to be connected to the account to easily unlock it. 

The only thing left that can be done is to reach out to fitbit

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