01-03-2023 15:54
01-03-2023 15:54
When entering my activities on the app (Samsung android), it leaves the calories entry grayed out and won't allow me to enter the activity. Sometimes it acts as if the activity isn't an included one in my preselections, even though it is.
I have uninstalled, reinstalled a few times and still can't enter activities. I end up noting them and entering on the website without an issue. It seems to just be the phone app.
Any solutions, suggestions, or replies to this issue? I mentioned it on the firmware update thread and got ignored.
07-09-2023 05:38
07-09-2023 05:38
I'm not sure this is a Luxe issue, it seems to be an app issue. I'll move your post to the correct forum, but next time please be more cognizant of where you need to post your question. It helps keep the forums much more organized to help everyone.
Kristen | USA Cruising through the Lifestyle Forums
one cruise ship at a time!