03-04-2016 20:50
03-04-2016 20:50
I just got my Fitbit Blaze 2 days ago and added it to my existing account. I then removed my Fitbit Charge (No HR). I mirrored all the setting ... Height, weight, stride, etc... i noticed that the calories burned seems to be higher with the Blaze for the same amount of activity recorded (Ex. Steps) then with mu previous device (Fitbit Charge). Anyone experiencing the same ? thoughts ? comments? is it possible that it's a more accurate read now with the heart rate being monitored ?
Thanks in Advance,
03-05-2016 01:04
03-05-2016 01:04
I am currently comparing the Blaze and the One. Exact same measurements on two different accounts. So far the calorie count on the Blaze is a lot lower than on the One. 1 hour run this morning and already down by 200 calories
03-08-2016 16:44
03-08-2016 16:44
I've noticed my calories burned are pretty high, at least compared to the Zip and the Charge I used previously. I actually just posted a question about this before I saw your post. No answers yet.
03-08-2016 22:58
03-08-2016 22:58
I have noticed that it is uite crucial to wear your tracker higher on your arm during workouts. Otherwise the HR mesurements will be too low. I am still down by 2-300 calories every day compared to my Fitbit One but I think it is actually a correct reading the Blaze gives you. I am really getting the hang of this tricky tracker
03-11-2016 14:55
03-11-2016 14:55
03-11-2016 15:19
03-11-2016 15:19
I'd expect to see higher results (not lower) compared to a tracker that doesn't have HR measurements. Why? The HR trackers take the HR into consideration when calculating caloric burn. The non-hr models obviously cannot do such a thing, so they have to estimate the energy expendiutre based which SHOULD be lower than without the HR info.
03-11-2016 17:24
03-11-2016 17:24
03-12-2016 02:14
03-12-2016 02:14
I am getting my correct step count for a few days now, but my calorie count is still way down compared to the One. Around 300 a day 😞 Today I wass jogging on the spot for 70 minutes and was in cardio mode for only 9 minutes. It definitely didn't get my HR right at all. Same problem yesterday
03-23-2016 20:36
03-23-2016 20:36
03-24-2016 13:01
03-24-2016 13:01
I mainly look at calories burned. I switched to Balze from a Charge HR. A few days after buying hte blaze and getting used to it, I wore both on the same wrist for a day.
While at times the Charge HR showed higher calorie and step count, eventually by the end of the day they evened out and ended up pretty close.
It appeared to me Charge HR had higher counts when not active but less counts when active. Blaze seemed to be lower counts when not active but higher counts when active. That sort of explains why the evened out for the day.
03-28-2016 06:43
03-28-2016 06:43
I have had my Blaze for two days. I was using a Fitbit One with a separate heart rate monitor for accurate calorie burn. Blaze is very high. My morning walk is about 264-400 calories, depending on distance and pace. This morning I walked 2.5 miles, which should have been about 325 calories. Blaze came in at a whopping 466. I don't understand. I believe my heart rate was about the same as my heart rate monitor.
11-20-2016 04:34
11-20-2016 04:34
01-17-2017 11:24
01-17-2017 11:24
Just bought my Fitbit blaze but am worried the calorie counter isn't right seems too high???
01-17-2017 14:33
01-17-2017 14:33
Sonetines i did more with blaze sonetimes more with one now i just use blaze as too complicated
01-17-2017 16:16
01-17-2017 16:16
@SineadchestnutI have found the same extra calories. The comparison below is my historical data prior to the Surge because I noticed all of my HR Fitbits gave me extra calories even with the loss in steps. In some way the comparison is unfair because I typically lose 10% steps on the wrist based Fitbits.. But, it proves the HR feature is calculating the extra calories.
I'm happy with the Blaze and like all wrist based devices there will be fluctuations and my whole aim is to be active and thjat what the Blaze is helping me at 77.....
Daily averages
Year Steps Calories
2014 9,382 2,471 Fitbit One
2016 8,022 2,758 Fitbit Blaze
% -14.4% +11.6%
2013 11,880 2,620 Fitbit One
% +48% -5.0%
Over that time my BMR drops by 5 calories/birthday and my weight varied 4.5 kg over the 3 years, up at the moment but the difference in BMR was 1560 to 1580 calories today. Hardly worth considering.
To be fair to Fitbit because I'm still measuring the results. I have started using my Polar again and added a foot pod and comparing Pace, HR and calories and on a planned walk. I have adjusted the Polar Vo2max by using the Rockport Walking Test for my Vo2max setting because the Polar had me at Elite Athlete level because of my low RHR.
The initial results aren't favourable to the Fitbit Blaze because on a 44 minute exercise walking speed the results were, even with the bad HR graph.
Device Ave HR Calories
Blaze 81 340
Polar 96 276
To make matters worse the HR did not kick in on the Blaze until half way through the walk. I have the same issues as many about the HR varying whether I moved the Blaze up or down or tight or as recommended. The HR is perfect for sleeping and at rest, while typing this it is on 54bpm.
Weight fluctuation over that time..