03-09-2021 05:04
03-09-2021 05:04
My fitbit Blaze isn't charging.
I put it into the charging dock and it powers on and says the battery is full. I remove it from the charger and it powers off.
I've used the reset method I've read about in other posts several times and it hasn't worked.
I have had it for several years and it's worked fine until just recently.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. 😞
03-10-2021 00:43
03-10-2021 00:43
I have the same problem, I could not find a solution here. By replacing the lithium battery I saw on some sites the problem was resolved. I do not know how true. If true, the warning that the battery is full should be unrealistic.
03-10-2021 11:35
03-10-2021 11:35
One more note, I haven't used my blaze for months, the battery had to be completely empty, I connected to charger, checked it after 5 minutes and it was full charge. Impossible to be full in such a short time, isn't it?