07-12-2016 04:53
07-12-2016 04:53
07-12-2016 06:14
07-12-2016 06:14
Hi there @Bpsullivan. Good to see you in the Community!
Just to make sure when was the last time that your tracker synced, you can tap at the top left corner of the app and it will tell you when was the last time that your tracker synced. If it hasn't synced recently or if it has synced recently but it's not transferring any info over to your app, try to restart your tracker by pressing and holding the left and lower right buttons together for 10-15 seconds until your tracker reboots.
Also, on your app, log out of it by going to the lower right corner, tap on Account and here, scroll all the way to the bottom and tap on "Log out of app" and then, log back in with the same email address and password.
If after logging back in, it doesn't sync, I'd recommend setting up your tracker as a new device. Tap again the top left corner, scroll down and hit where it says "Remove this Blaze" and then tap on account at the bottom right corner and hit "Set up a new device" and follow the on-screen instructions.
Let me know how it goes!
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07-13-2016 15:41
07-13-2016 15:41
It stopped syncing Friday moring when I got on a plane for San Francisco and never was able ti sync the entire weekend, despite trying to reset it. I was able to succeed in resettingit last night and it's working again. It seems I have trouble with both my Blaze and Surge when I change time zones. Guess a best practice would be to reset whenever I change zones. Seems like a PITA. Thanks for the response.
07-13-2016 23:05
07-13-2016 23:05
I have had the same issue with Sync since coming to California.
07-14-2016 06:39
07-14-2016 06:39
Huh, that's interesting to know but thanks for letting me know @Bpsullivan @Andhanni.
If anything else comes up, I'm here to help! 🙂
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07-14-2016 17:11
07-14-2016 17:11
One item I noticed since I have AT&T with a Samsung G6 and my sync is intermittent at times. So mine might be coverage issues. I do know switching from WiFi to G4 creates issues too.
07-17-2016 10:40