01-11-2017 18:46
01-11-2017 18:46
Last night the count of steps in my competition showed the correct number. This morning it changed the step count to a way lesser, wronger number. This is the correct amount
Steps since I got my Blaze
And this is this mornings screenshot
How can I get back the right amount?
01-11-2017 20:50
01-11-2017 20:50
@KerstinOWelcome. The 7 day total Friend steps is really 6 days plus today. Every midnight it drops off the 7th (oldest day). If you add the last 7 full days it's very close to your 90k steps. First thing in the morming you are seeing 6 days plyus your morning steps.
01-11-2017 23:37
01-11-2017 23:37
Thanks! That helped a lot 😊
01-12-2017 02:12
01-12-2017 02:12
@KerstinOGreat, thanks for getting back to the Forum. Your reply will help other newcomers.
Enjoy your Fitbit journey.