04-25-2017 05:00
04-25-2017 05:00
Last week I changed from the Charge HR to the Blaze. From the start I am having problems with the synchronization of the Balze. I often get the notification that bluetooth is not working, and the choice to restart it. I often receive the errors general error or tracker not found. This also results in not receiving notifications and I am not able to use the GPS tracking for exercises. There seems no way to force this, I have tried all options (reset bluetooth, restart Blaze, unpair and pair blaze, force sync in app...). Please give me some advice, because in this way it is impossible to use the Blaze for what it is intended too and it is no upgrade to the Charge HR at all.
04-25-2017 12:09
04-25-2017 12:09
Is the device you are trying to sync to a supported device?
iOS: https://www.fitbit.com/content/assets/onezip/images/devices/Fitbit_SupportedDevices_iOS.pdf
Android: https://www.fitbit.com/content/assets/onezip/images/devices/Fitbit_SupportedDevices_Android.pdf
Windows: https://www.fitbit.com/content/assets/onezip/images/devices/Fitbit_SupportedDevices_Windows.pdf
04-25-2017 12:36
04-25-2017 12:36
Yes it is a supported device, I have used this device with my charge HR for over a year without any major problems, except for some incidental synching problems.