09-20-2016 11:55
09-20-2016 11:55
09-20-2016 15:08
09-20-2016 15:08
Hi @Deb13b - If you still have some battery life, I'd first try a restart:
Otherwise, if you can't restart the tracker and it isn't charging, I'd suggest exchanging it.
09-20-2016 16:57
09-20-2016 16:57
If your Blaze has the Fitbit.com/setup message there will not be a battery charging indicator.
Leave it in the charger for 30 minutes and try the update again. The app will tell you if the battery is still low, or it will start updating.
The other thing to do is update it while in the charger.
09-20-2016 21:06
09-20-2016 21:06