12-29-2022 20:32
12-29-2022 20:32
I think they would be great additions to the watch and also what games are available on the watch because I can not find any
12-30-2022 02:10
12-30-2022 02:10
@Combatwombat37 Welcome to the Fitbit community!
Charge 5 is intended to be a very powerful Fitness tracker. Trying to keep it compact required restrictions in battery size. Thus it had to be cut down in software that would drain the battery fast.
If you want a full fledged smart watch, there's now Pixel Watch, offering the functions you're asking for.
05-09-2023 09:17
05-09-2023 09:17
It's a fitness tracker not a smart watch. Go get a versa those are more like smart watches. It's a Fitbit charge # fitness tracker go get a Fitbit versa # fitness tracker and smart watch if you want fancy!
05-09-2023 09:21
05-09-2023 09:21
Good advice, however the goal I feel is to keep them in the Fitbit community not send them to other types of watches. The Fitbit versa's might be better for him as they have more of that smart-watch feel in a fitness tracker, and keeps them in the Fitbit universe. Unless youre goal is to sell people off to other companies, but I'm sure Fitbit would not like that as that takes business away from them.