07-06-2024 10:26
07-06-2024 10:26
Does 24mm bands fit Charger 6
07-06-2024 10:59
07-06-2024 10:59
Hello @MJAdams and welcome to the Community. No, they don't. The 24 mm bands are for the Sense/Sense 2/Versa 3/Versa 4. My advice is go directly to the Google Store to buy your Fitbit branded accessories. They are clearly marked by model. If you start a purchase in the Fitbit Store, you get directed to the Google Store to complete your purchase. Just start in the Google Store. Third party bands are usually clearly marked by device.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
07-07-2024 15:04
07-07-2024 15:04
You can get after market adaptor kits to allow 18 mm straps to connect to the charge 6