Ability To Edit Manually Logged Exercise Type

I'm not sure what has changed, but it seems that I am no longer able to Edit Activities.  This seems like a huge inconvenience.  Sometimes having to enter actvities can be annoying, but it's helpful to have that feature.  What is annoying is that if I make a mistake, I am unable to correct it without having to delete and restart.  I bought this Fitbit to make tracking my exercise easier, not more difficult.  I am trying to find reasons to continue using it, but making tracking harder is not helping.  Please fix!  Thanks so much!


Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity

Tempo Runner

It would be best to allow edit to all exercise activities.  SmartTrack cannot tell a run from a walk for example. All SmartTracked activities have the wrong start and also the wrong end time. If an activity is started and interrupted an edit could break it into meaningful results instead of deleting entirely.

Thank you.  


P.S. activities that flatten step count cadence are excursions Fitbit Algorithms revise improperly by adjusting stride length for that distance. There is no incentive to improve when fitbit homogenizes results that had greater variability than recorded.



Moderator edit: format

First Steps

Hello! Please implement this! I ran about 2.5 miles but my GPS malfunctioned and only gave me 1.28?!

Base Runner

Sooooo... This has been under consideration since 2014?  Ummmmm  when .. ? do you think you will ever make this possible?  It's ridiculous that you can't edit it.

First Steps

It’s now 2021. I want to be able to edit manually logged exercises. Please fix this. 


This is ridiculous, you have released this feature to iOS users years ago. It cannot be hard at all to implement this for Android users as well. Especially now that you are owned by Google. It's just blatant disregard for all of your customers.

First Steps

As others have said, if there are insurance reasons you can't add/lengthen exercise (weird, but ok), surely it should not be an issue for people to shorten their exercise time.


I forget to turn the darned thing off all the time.  It's super annoying to have a 3-hour workout logged when I did an hour -- and it makes my average BPM & zone minute stats less accurate!  This functionality clearly has massive support.  Re-adding it should be a no-brainer.

First Steps

I'm really disappointed in all the limitations Fitbit has. I think I'll return mine, at least I gave it a try. 

Recovery Runner

Its still a pain in the A** that this is not possible yet. I can only say dont buy this smartwatch for fitness purpose. Also today GPS had significant differences to the real result (almost 1km). This is unbelievable!!!

First Steps

Apparently I can workout while sleeping? So stupid. Not allowing the ability to edit an exercise is a terrible oversight. 


I'd like to be able to edit the start time and length of the automatically tracked exercises. Usually I start an aerobic workout with a warm up, and I end with some strength training and a cool down, but the automatic tracker often doesn't include those portions even though my heart rate is still in an exercise zone. I can go in and manually add the cool down, or I can delete the automatic and manually add the whole workout, but for some reason it doesn't chart the same way and the calorie burn is always different with a manual versus and automatic tracked exercise.


People have been complaining about this since 2014. How is this issue still not fixed? Please do something about this. It's a common enough issue to forget to close put a workout on my watch I'd consider switching to another tracker to brand if they offered a basic feature like that.


This is utterly ridiculous that it's been "under consideration" since 2014 and it still hasn't been done yet. Thousands of votes asking to be able to edit. GPS screwed up and said I only walked 0.38 miles when I actually walked 2 miles. I'd really like to be able to change this. Or when I forget to end a session, it'd be great to be able to adjust to my actual time. Come on Fitbit, give us what we're asking for.

First Steps

I came here to suggest exactly this. To say that it is utterly ridiculous it has been "under consideration" for EIGHT years is accurate. The fact that it isn't already a feature or, at the very least, was an early update is just dumb to be honest. 


Had I known this was going to be an issue, I probably wouldn't have purchased a FitBit and would have bought a COMPETITOR, and will do so with my next purchase if they do not fix this. 

First Steps

I just got my Sense a few months ago and am learning how to use it. Its going pretty well, but one of the biggest issues i have is not being able to edit my workouts.... I am human i forget to stop my workouts alot.... I am an android user and it seems to me there is a ton of people who would also like this feature..... And it is already available for iphone so i dont see why its taken 8 years of collecting comments about it. Please just do it. If its not fixed i will consider my next watch being a polar or samsung. 


I'm adding another comment because i fixed my old problem by manually starting workouts rather than letting the watch decide when I'm working out. Now I have a new problem with the same solution: Sometimes I forget to stop the workout. Sometimes I forget for hours. And I can't go back and edit the end time of the workout. It's really silly. I took I hike a few weeks ago and the 1.5 hours it took me to drive home *while the watch was on the charger and registering no heartrate* is included in the workout time and there is no way to fix it. 

Base Runner

I’m totally disappointed with this system just because I can’t edit the label on my workouts. I have added custom labels but they don’t show up in the pull down menu under change activity and the write in window is missing. If I select some other activity in the pull down then do it again the write in window appears. But when I enter the custom label it takes it but then reverts back. So I can’t use my custom labels at all!

really frustrated by this! Had I known I would not have bought Fitbit. Seeing all these similar complaints on the forum I am even more disappointed that Fitbit is ignoring this issue. We are not all just runners, swimmers and bikers!



Also ran into this problem. I left my manual exercise tracking on too long and cant edit my workout. Its insane we cant edit this information on our devices or on the web dashboard while iOS users can. Please fix this.


I used to be able to edit auto-logged activities in the app, but now I can't change the exercise TYPE. I play Beat Saber (a VR rhythm game) and my FitBit sometimes logs that as swimming. I always change it to "Aerobic Workout" because the calories burned are more accurate (based on HR) and LOWER than the FitBit thinks.

First Steps

I need to be able to add active minutes when I manually enter an exercise. 


You've been "considering" this for a long time. It can't be that hard if you already have the code from another platform.


I'm in shock..... just looked ay my walk/jog this morning on my android phone and there is an edit button.... this would usually only let you edit the type of exercise... but no.... it's what we've all been waiting for... you can adjust Start Time and Duration too 🎉🎉 The duration interface is the usual horrible one for times and only lets you do hours and minutes, not seconds but better than nothing 😁

Base Runner
I’m waiting to select or edit exercise category. Still can’t do that on GPS recorded sessions.
Thrr we e is a very short list to choose from and NONE of my main sports are included.
They also can’t be added later.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
Yes! Thanks for letting me know.

Sent from my iPad
First Steps

If find that you can no longer edit your exercise activity - a completely a backward step.   Fitbit cannot automatically recognise my exercise type (squash) but does have squash as an exercise option - however you can no longer edit the exercise undertaken from the automatically recognised "sport".   Why would you change to now limit this - it's an illogical change.

Recovery Runner
For what it’s worth whenever I use a stationary bike I put the Sense in my
sock and it records the exercise.
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