Ability to change daily goals without changing all past days

We should be able to change our goals without changing all of our past goals.
For example, on holiday break I was happy to lower my goal to 5,000 steps. Or converter, some days I want to do more and want to up my goal to 15,000 or even 20,000...but then It changes all the past days.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

Recovery Runner

If everyone actually contact Fitbit by emailing directly it might happen 

Not applicable

Voting might make a difference. Make sure you vote when you comment.


@SunsetRunner Hahaha I'm not quite sure... Have you seen the initial date of the request?

Stepping Up

I started a diet in June 2018.  Fitbit was graphing and calculating my weight loss from that date.  When I input a different "weight goal" the Fitbit started counting FROM THE DATE THAT I CHANGED THE GOAL.  Now it shows my weight loss as 0 instead of the 20+ pounds that I'd already loss since June. I would like to see fitbit graph my weight loss from my June start to now.  I would like to have the ability to input a specific weight loss start date so the graph and weight loss counter calculates from that start date; not from the date that I changed my goal.

Not applicable

When you increase a goal (like step-count), the goal line should not retroactively go into effect, which your app does. When you do that, it looks like all of your successes that met your goal at the time were failures. The goal line needs to float with your current goal, for the sake of both accuracy and behavioral reinforcement.


For example, I've been increasing my weekly step count based on the consistency of days in which my goal was met. Once I reach so many days at my goal, I've been increasing to a higher goal. But in looking at my past data, it shows failure to meet current goal instead of successes at meeting previous goals.


When I increase my performance goal settings in the Fitbit app, all my previous stats lose their successfully completed markings (star). I like to track my successes. I find it motivating. It really is unmotivating to see success status stars wiped out with each new goal increase. It seems that this would be an easy change. Thank you for considering this.

Stepping Up

Yes pleaaase! Change this! Why does it take so long 😞



the same problem with water intake goals. We should be able to change our goals without changing all of our past goals (e.g. i need to change the goals depending on activity or weather conditions)

Stepping Up

It's depressing that this was suggested back in 2014 and nothing has been done. This should be seen as a bug and fixed. It shouldn't need to be posted as a feature suggestion. 


I need to change my hourly step goals because I am switching to day shift and won't be awake during the previous hours. I should be able to do this without losing my previously completed goals. This is important! The Fitbit is a motivational tool and having it tell me that I never completed my goals (when I did!) kills my motivation to continue.


Changing a goal should only affect the current week at most.


When I change my step goal it should not change the goal for previous days. Example: if my goal was set to 10k and I walked 11k steps then it shows that I met my goal. When I change the goal to 12k it shows that I didn't meet the goal. It should work as in: "I met my goal on that day". 


I should be able to temporarily increase my goal for the day. If I know I'm going to have a really big walking day then I should be able to increase the goal to see if I can make it. The next day it should revert to the steady goal. 

First Steps

I really hope this gets implemented soon. I deal with chronic pain and am trying to slowly up my steps per day. I'd like to set a daily step goal rather than always have the same one each day. I am currently keeping track of this in a daily Google Calendar event, but I'm searching for another tool that can show me the trends over time to track this. I'd also like a notification to remind me each day, which is why the Google Calendar event is helpful. I think it'd be optimal for Fitbit to track this for me since it tracks my steps, shows trends, and supports goal setting. 

Recovery Runner
Persistence pays off tho. I got an email earlier in the year stating that they are looking at how to do this, we just need to be patient cause writing programs can take thousands of code to get it to work but then they need to make sure there aren’t glitches

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Please make the adaptation to the FitBit app so that goals can be changed without retroactively changing past goals and recorded data.  I went from "maintenance" to "weight loss" and it retroactively made all my past data go into the "red zone". That made it look like I've been on a free-for-all for months.  A total disservice to my efforts all this time. It is very distracting and de-motivating when looking at my "progress".  And the entire point of owning a FitBit is to encourage, motivate, and help keep ACCURATE track of what a person is doing !

Why even own a FitBit if it can't do this one simple thing ?  I could do better with pencil and paper.  Come on engineers !  You can do this.  So many people have asked for it, so what is the delay ??  

First Steps

Please make the adaptation to the FitBit app so that goals can be changed without retroactively changing past goals and recorded data. I went from "maintenance" to "weight loss" and it retroactively made all my past data go into the "red zone", adjusting all my past data to the new goal. That made it look like I've been on a free-for-all for months - a total disservice to my efforts all that time. It is very distracting and a real downer when looking at my "progress". The entire purpose of owning a FitBit is to encourage, motivate, and help keep ACCURATE track of what a person is doing, right ?

Come on FitBit, you can make this update. It should be considered a "bug" and be corrected. I posted this on your Facebook page and they told me to post this here on this page.  I looked for any comments on this issue on this page and didn't find any.  However, this issue has been discussed and complained about by many people in the Community Forum since 2014.   So many people have asked for it,  what is the delay ??


It would be great if we could still edit the start date of a weight goal.  I know we used to be able to, but now when you edit a weight goal, the start date is the date you enter it.  I would like to back date mine to line up with when I started a new eating regimen to see how effective it is for me.  

Not applicable

Would love to see this happen. It makes it look like I never hit my goal in the past when I increase the goal number for the future.


This should be for all measured activities not just steps. (floors, miles, calories, active minutes, sleep, 250+ steps per hour...)


Garmin is able to do this on their fitness devices and app.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @rockacita, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has a lot of votes. As the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


So? Any news? It's absurd that this is not an option. And it's been under consideration for a year....!

First Steps

I like to set a goal for how many steps to accomplish everyday for a month and I want to be able increase my goal (or decrease), on the 1st of every of month without it wiping out my previous goals that I have accomplished for previous months. I would like to be able to see the progress I am making. Wiping out my accomplishments for previous months will prevent me from seeing my progress. The Stepz app that I also use, allows me change my goals and it does not merge everything together. It moves the bar up on the day I change it and leaves yesterday where I had it.  Can you make this more user friendly for Fitbit???

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @tac11848! That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing it.  I've moved it into a similar suggestion, as the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.

First Steps

According to past community posts, the suggestion to be able to change goals without ruining past progress data had been "under consideration"  since 2014.  That is FOUR YEARS of people asking for this upgrade and being disregarded. I don't think it's even an upgrade, it is a 'bug' that needs to be fixed.  The whole point of owning a FitBit is to help you achieve your goals and encourage you.  The way it is now, it is very discouraging.    I actually took my Fitbit off and considered never using it again and going with another brand that already has the feature that has been requested. What is so hard about this ?  This is what it is for. I would love to keep using my Fitbit, but if it doesn't work, it doesn't work.

First Steps
It's probably way more than four years since it was first suggested. I commented about it at least four years ago and was told it was old news then, LOL.
I like the features on my FitBit and I really don't need more bells and whistles that the other devices have.
It's very very annoying, though, not only that you can't continue to achieve new goals without destroying the old ones, but that this suggestion been made over and over and has been completely ignored.
That is flat out poor, rude, offensive customer service.

Sent from my iPhone

(copy/paste from a thread I created)

I have an issue with the step goals on the app.

(I am not certain if this is the right place for this, also I am not sure if I didn't define my search query correctly. I found no posts with this exact issue.)


Currently when you set a goal, and you make the goal, you get a star next to the amount of steps you get. It's broken down by the week, and you scroll to go back through previous days to see the amount of steps you got and the star for exceeding your goal.


My problem is that if you change (increase) your goal, it then shows all the previous step amounts in regards to the CURRENT goal and not the goal as it was on that day. I am currently recovering from ankle surgery. When I first started stepping again after surgery, my goal was 1,000 steps. Some days I struggled HARD to get that green star. Now I have recovered enough that my goal is 5,800! This means that when I scroll back through my steps, it appears that THOSE days (when my goal was much lower) I didn't reach my goal.


This is very disheartening. I use my apps as a diary. I like to know when I did reach my goals! Sometimes, I will increase my goal, and it is too difficult. I then look back through the app to see when I was consistently reaching a goal, to make an informed decision about what I should make my new steps goal. Also, when I can scroll back and see all those stars, I can count my goal streak! I make it a point to increase my goals, and it's nice to be able to say I have a 37 day streak even if I had changed my goal 4 times in that month ish.


I understand that for the probable majority of your customers, the step goal is a set it and forget it kind of goal. And for those users, this makes sense. They are going to keep a consistent goal, and it won't matter to them. But, many of your customers are using the fitbit to increase their activities. They aren't going to have a consistent goal. I mean, before my current injury and recovering, my step goal was 13,000. I am always going to up my goals. All I am asking for is that you not take away my ability to recognize when I have reached previous goals.

That is exactly my complaint. Well stated! Now if the software developers
would fix this exasperating problem. I wish someone would let us know how
hard this would be to accomplish. Are we being unreasonable?
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