Airplane Mode for Sense series

Please add airplane mode to the Fitbit Sense.

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Fitbit Moderator

Hi @ha95118511. Thanks for taking the time to explain why you'd like to have an Airplane Mode available for your Sense with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


Hi - airplane mode is a great idea. I have a Fitbit Sense. 


Airplane mode will help with:

  1. Actually flying on airplanes when they ask you to tun transmitting devices off
  2. Sleeping with the Fitbit - and not being worried about having an EMF source strapped to one's hand- while getting the heart rate / sleep monitoring benefits
  3. Conserving battery, when in a pinch or away from the charger for some days
  4. Controlling the syncing with the phone app when needed.

Please let us know when you're going to implement the feature. ASAP would be best 🙂





Not applicable

Same for me but I would like to request that also for the Fitbit Versa. I have a terrible sleep when I am wearing the Fitbit Versa and I think this is due to the electromagnetic field of the Bluetooth. This is also based on scientific results since it has been shown that electromagnetic fields (e.g. Bluetooth and Wifi) disrupt melatonin (😞


Furthermore, the results show the significance of disruption of melatonin due to exposure to weak EMFs, which may possibly lead to long-term health effects in humans.

I agree. This feature need to be deployed as soon as possible. Fitbit devices are supposed to care our health, well then let us turn off wifi and bluetooth to avoid radiation.

First Steps

I'm really satisfied with new fitbit sense watch, but I'm thinking to sent it back, because I can't turn off bluetooth through the night.

Every other watch has this airplane mode. I don't want to sleep with EM radiation near my head.

Not applicable

Please add airplane mode to the Fitbit Sense...

First Steps

Please, please add airplane mode or I’ll have to switch back to Apple! Been using this for sleep data but it is not worth it if in the long run it is not beneficial for sleep

hygiene due to EMF. Thank you!

First Steps

I would like to be able to turn on and off   Wi-Fi, Bluetooth  and Airplane Mode, like any other mobile device in the market this day.

thank you 

First Steps

I am really worried about my 6 month old baby who I breastfeed and bedshare with. I constantly have to take my Sense on and off at the moment to avoid exposing my daughter (and myself) to EMF, meaning I’m not able to get the most out of it. I wouldn’t have purchased it had I known flight mode wasn’t available. I will be selling my watch and trying a different brand for this reason. It seems illogical that a health device could be so unhealthy! 


I agree with adding airplane mode to the Sense, and all other Fitbit models that have Bluetooth and/or WiFi capability.

Several reasons stated above make sense - traveling by plane, workplaces that need to have those things disabled, and health reasons.  I have come to realize that EMF significantly disrupts my sleep, so it makes no sense to wear the Sense to bed to track sleep and help improve it, while it is simultaneously disrupting sleep with EMF.

First Steps

Please add airplane capability. I work around explosives that are susceptible to electromagnetic radiation from devices that have bluetooth and wifi. I'd like to wear my Fitbit to count my steps and activity, and so I can tell the time. I'd rather not blow up 😞

First Steps

I would also like to request airplane mode. Not keen on wearing this to bed while it’s transmitting all night

Yes frankly I had just orders a charge 5 - but realising how the Fitbit don't have airplane mode makes me realise I should cancel it and not use this brand 

First Steps

There should be airplane mode or ability to turn off Bluetooth and wifi on all Fitbit models. Would love to use Fitbit but won't until there airplane mode or similar. 

I agree with everything everybody has said.


I bought a fitbit Charge, and pre-ordered a Charge 5, but with immense regret I have had to switch to Garmin Vivosmart 4 - which DOES let you disable Bluetooth.


It is a real shame that FitBit isn't responding to these many requests - and the forum is FULL of such requests, many other threads too, asking for bluetooth. Some people work in secure areas and are not allowed to bring transmitting devices. others have legitimate reasons for wishing to not have constant bluetooth, especially while sleeping.


I do ask FitBit, with all sincerity, to recognise that you are losing some clients because of this. I recognise that as industry leader you might not care about reducing your client pool, but I can say with absolute confidence that you would expand  your pool even further if you introduced this functionality.




First Steps

So it's been over a year since the initial post was created and still no airplane mode? My wife is making me return my Fitbit Sense because of this... Just give us the freakin airplane mode. As an electrical and computer engineer, this is a no-brainer. You're losing my business because of it. Fix it... Now.

First Steps

Hi, this feature is extremely needed as without it all your data gets corrupted.

I flew for a couple of hours only and at the end of the day, I had 1.4 M steps - that will be my all-time high and will be a fake one.

Logging in a dive to decrease it will corrupt again my data - will feel like I did a dive when I did not. How on Earth is that even considered a solution?


There are many people active that do both - so would definitely help to have this mode.

First Steps

My Inspire HR is dying but I will not be buying another Fitbit until it has "airplane mode" as an option due to the health consequences of EMF radiation. Please just update all the Fitbits so this is an option!!

First Steps

I agree with adding airplane mode to the Sense, to enable turning off Bluetooth and/or WiFi capability. There are now many scientific and medical studies about the harmful health effects of EMF radiation. This would allow the device to record all data and to only turn off airplane mode when syncing. I will not wear the device when I sleep, but would love to track sleep and use the smart alarm.

Airplane mode is  also required when traveling by plane, in doctors surgeries, in hospitals & other places that need to have emf devices disabled. I will be looking for a smart watch that enables this function.

Recovery Runner

Decided for the galaxy 4 because of the no airplane mode...


People have been posting about and asking for an airplane mode for years now. I first posted in 2020, then in 2021. 

It’s very insensitive of you @LizzyFitbit to not respond to actual users’ demands for a feature, outstanding for years. Fitbit as a whole too is simply unresponsive. 


I agree - I will not be purchasing a Fitbit due to lack of Airplane mode. 


I've read a lot of Fitbit staff and others saying these watches have low EMF/RF - but having a device so close to my head every night (for many months on end) seems like a bad idea, even if the watch has "low emission" 


Having emissions attached to my body while I track my sleep for health reasons is simply ironic, even if it's low.


As soon as I see Fitbit release a model or update with optional airplane mode - I will buy it immediately (a Charge, specifically). The sleep tracking is apparently one of the most accurate across a lot of Fitbits.


Does anyone know if Fitbit can release an update that will enable existing watches to use airplane mode? or will that feature have to exist only in new models? 


This is honestly such a basic feature that asking for upvotes before considering it is slightly embarrassing.


Who even designs a smartwatch without airplane mode?

First Steps

I just bought a Sense 2 and want to return it. I can't believe you don't have airplane mode. I have a baby under 6 months and carry him on my arm constantly. It's not safe to have his head so close to an EMF source.


Please add this feature in an update or I'm taking away my business from Fitbit for good.


Add the ability to turn off Bluetooth or enable an aeroplane mode like so many other users have suggested and voted for. This is obviously a very popular idea
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