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Posting filter is over-aggressive


I would think that the "Fitbit Community Basics" section would be a better place for this, but I can't start a topic there.


The posting filter has gone - well - postal.


It is not allowing me to bring in previously posted images into a post from my online storage.


The filter is also quite often not allowing a link to a previous post to be inserted, allowing us to leverage previous posts to help members of the community. And some of you that know me are well aware that my posts tend to be lengthly when trying to give step-by-step instructions and showing the expected results. This link issue is hit and miss.


Some word combinations are "not allowed". The two words "out" and "look" when placed one after the other in a post yesterday. And the word that starts with "auto-" and ends with "ized" when used with exercise activities that you don't have to start manually was kicked out earlier today.


** edit ** 

I had to take the word "strange" out of the last paragraph for this to post - it was the second word in the paragraph.

** end edit **


Totally weird and a bit schizo.

RETIRED Enterprise Computing / "IT Guy" - Southern California - Marine Staff Sergeant 1970-78
Apple Watch 6 - iPhone 8 (iOS 16.7.8) - FitBit app 4.20 - MacBook Air (macOS Catalina)
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Sorry I haven't gotten back to this thread sooner to hopefully mark it as solved.


Since most of the issues I ran across was in assisting others in understanding what was going on relative to the posting of active minutes while the Fitbit apps were auto-recognizing activities to be recognized as exercises, thus allowing for the fencing in of the running man, if this paragraph makes it though we are probably good to go.


But I also had the issue of not being able to include a previously accepted image that is stored on the Fitbit servers in my "image bank", so let's see if that works, why don't we? This is the exact image that was not accepted by the filer.






And there was the issue that two words right after another - out look - would irritate the filter. Have no clue why, but they did.


There were a few more scenarios that the filter took offense to, but I really don't recall. I was too busy trying to get a post accepted to document all of the issues. 


Finally, thank you Matthew for working with us on this and I'll have to say in a quite timely manner:


  • My original post: 03-05-2018 15:22
  • Your first post: 03-05-2018 16:22
  • Me getting a little cranky: 03-07-2018 15:04
  • You calming me down an PMing me 03-07-2018 15:10
  • You stating that changes were made 03-14-2018 10:37
  • Me seeing that most of the issues had been dealt with 03-14-2018 20:12

And if this post gets accepted in its entirety I will be marking it solved.

RETIRED Enterprise Computing / "IT Guy" - Southern California - Marine Staff Sergeant 1970-78
Apple Watch 6 - iPhone 8 (iOS 16.7.8) - FitBit app 4.20 - MacBook Air (macOS Catalina)
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I tried to post my weight loss experience and thank Fitbit in Be Inspired but the forum is not allowing my post. It has 2 pics. 

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@nfinity If you send me the specifics of the error message you received, I can look into this.

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0 Votes

 I bought a Versa and tried to get it working.  Outlined my problem in one of your comments section but haven't been able to find it again as it's apparently in moderation?  From my experience, whenever a post is made in comments, when a response is given, you're not notified.  I don't know if that's because it's filtered out for nefarious reasons or I need to go back and check the posts.  The later doesn't work for me. I see this page has a choice whether or not to be notified when someone responds. Didn't see that on the other page.

So, I can not accept solution until I understand what happened to my post.  It would have been useful, while going thru that ordeal, to have known that a solution to the problems I was having, were imminent. I intended to return the Versa but haven't yet.  Debating... 

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Posting a new topic is virtually impossible so I have no option but to post here.  The new feature, exercise recognition, would be great IF it worked. The exercise that I do daily is the treadmill. Walked on tredmill yesterday for an hour.  Fitbit shows 15 min. Previous day shows outdoor bike 15 minutes.  Did treadmill for an hour.  Day before that shows elliptical for 15 min.  did treadmill for an hour.  

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@IslandGirl816 I noticed recently posting issue. Is the error you see says something about HTML tags in the red border above edit texr box? I also noticed that trying to post it again even without changes works. Not sure if the problem you see it's the same.

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No posting issue is different.  Can't post a new topic at all.  Wish you luck!
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