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RESOLVED: Cannot View All Activity Group Content

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Fitbit Update 03/20/2018-- Our engineers have implemented a fix in the latest site release. You should now be able to views topic posts, replies and submit replies. If you still cannot view or send replies in your activity group, let us know. 


As for last 7-day and previous months leaderboards, you might still experience problems viewing them. Our team is still looking into the leaderboards issue and I'll update when I receive new info. 


Thanks again to all of you for baring with us.



Fitbit Update 03/16/2018-- Apologies for the delay in resolving the remaining issues with Activity Groups. It's been about 2 months since the activity groups outage occurred and I definitely understand your concerns about the length of time it's taken to get this issue resolved.


On the positive side, our engineers have a fix in place to resolve the inability to view/respond to topic discussions. However, they still have a few tasks to complete in order to successfully include the fix in the next site release. 


As for the issue with the inability to view 7-day/previous month leaderboards, our engineers are still investigating it. I'll update you with any relevant updates when I get them. Thanks for your continued patience.   



Fitbit Update 03/7/2018-- I wanted to check in here and reassure you that I've have passed along the all the feedback provided in this thread to our engineers. They're aware of the inability to views posts and leaderboards (7-day and previous month) and are still in the process of working on a fix.


Please note that these issues are not happening to all activity groups. Unfortunately, only some of activity groups are experiencing this and were still determining the root cause. Our apologies for the time it's taking to get the issues resolved. I know how important activity groups are to you and sincerely empathize with all those effected. I'll continue to keep everyone in the loop with the latest.



Fitbit Update 03/3/2018--


Thanks for continuing to share your experience with Activity Groups. I've identified the following issues from the feedback provided over the last several days: 


  • Previous month and past 7 day leaderboards are not viewable. 
  • New topics can be created but posts cannot be submitted or viewed after clicking on a previous topic
  • Private messages cannot be sent


I've created a ticket for this one and have included your feedback along to engineering to investigate. I'll update you all when I hear an update. I really appreciate your patience as our team looks into this. 


Fitbit Update 02/21/2018-- I have some good news to share, our engineering team pushed out a site release at 11:11 am (PST) that should resolve the issue. I see that some of you have reported that all Activity Group content is now viewable. I've also tested some activity group pages and posts and can confirm that I can see all content. 


Please let me know your experience after the site release. I'm hoping to continue hearing positive feedback. 

Fitbit Update 02/17/2018--  I understand that patience might be wearing thin and sincerely sympathize with all of your concerns. I want to let you know that I've been in contact with the team, letting them know the importance of activity groups to our customers. Rest assured, our engineering team is continuing to work on getting a fix pushed out as soon as they can. Thanks again for your reports and I'll update the thread when I hear something new.

Fitbit Update 02/14/2018-- Thanks for your continued feedback. I wanted to jump in to let you know that our engineering team is working to get the fix released ASAP. I'll continue to monitor and keep you all updated. I appreciate your continued patience.

Fitbit Update 02/9/2018--  Our engineering team has identified the root cause and will be releasing a fix soon. I appreciate all of you for chiming in and providing your feedback on this thread. I've removed my mention of using Firefox as a possible solution since no one found success doing so. When I hear an update from our engineers, I'll definitely update this thread. Thanks for your patience.    

Fitbit Update 02/6/2018 -- Our team is aware of an issue where users cannot view all activity group page content when accessing a group and topic posts on Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer.


Screen Shot 2018-02-06 at 10.59.15 AM.pngScreen Shot 2018-02-06 at 10.59.41 AM.png



Our engineering team is aware of the issue and is currently investigating. I'll have updates to share with everyone as soon as I hear some news. Thanks for your patience and for taking the time to report this issue. Stay tuned!

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449 REPLIES 449

Consider what you would do if your bank could not provide access to one of your 'minor' accounts, and after 2-3 weeks of vigorous customer complaints, their response was "We're aware of the problem and are working on it, please be patient, we'll give you access again ASAP."


Querying and commenting further seems pointless. My countdown clock is at 28 hours, I'll be taking my business elsewhere when it hits zero. The money that I was considering spending on an Ionic has already been applied towards a Garmin Fenix, which should be arriving today.



Best Answer

I understand everyone is frustrated, but what are you trying to accomplish by the negative tweets? Don't you think Fitbit is already well aware of the frustration and working on the issues? Companies make mistakes, they are run by humans. Humans by nature are flawed, thus prone to make mistakes. Let's give everyone a bit of slack and assume they are doing the best they can. I don't see how bashing Fitbit publically is going to make this situation better for anyone. 

Marci | Bellevue, WA
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So you want your Fitbit features to be fixed and work properly, all while wishing for the demise of Fitbit and "hit em where it hurts"   This makes no sense to me. 


I would be happy for Fitbit to be around for a long time.  Many people have made positive major lifestyle changes since acquiring their devices.  Let's not diminish the value of Fitbit for its intended purpose.  It is a good product.  Motivation is great and begins individually.


Most people don't know Activity Groups exist when purchasing their first Fitbit. It is a nice feature once utilized.  I enjoy it too.   In the meantime while "patiently" waiting on a fix for groups it is possible to keep track of your own stats on your daily dashboards, write them down even, and just keep moving forward.  Just keep moving!  Isn't that why we got Fitbits in the first place. 


I'm of course assuming we are all sensible adults here and realize there are bigger issues in the world.  This is small stuff.

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A lot of times in the business world it is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. The more exposure they face with their problem, the more resources they are likely to throw at it. For a technology company this is absurd for this kind of problem to have happened in the first place. You are also probably not considering the companies, like ours, who contributed money and sold their employees on purchasing Fitbits for the purpose of having a corporate activity group. If this isn't fixed our company's investment was a waste.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and hopefully in the end Fitbit will be stronger too.

Best Answer

Oh for goodness sake! No!! they aren't giving this enough priority. Are you imagining they are doing everything they can? They really aren't! Would you find this level of service acceptable from a bank or a utility company?  No, of course not.. So we've given them a couple of weeks more than we'd expect from business critical level of service - a couple of weeks!!! - and they still haven't fixed it.  In what world is  that okay?  They just aren't taking it seriously.  Sadly, they have form...this isn't the first time they've ignored reported and serious issues.  Stop being an apologist. Tthey can'even be bothered to keep us informed proprely!!!!


If they were truly concerned it would be fixed already.  They're supposed to be a professional company.  They should be able to back out problems and restore functionality.  What don't you get about that?


And no, I don't want the company to fail.  I've been a huge Fitbit fan.  I just want them to do what they're supposed to do in a reasonably professional way.

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Let’s give everyone some slack?  It has been a month, Marci.  Perhaps they need to hire better people, or they will lose customers.

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I was waiting patienty and thought Fitbit will fix this problem very fast but...  

How long can this take ?  😞

You can build 10 new sites in this time .. 


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Here are some suggestions to fill your time while we're working on the issue

✔Rinse, Repeat, until a bit more fit and clean.

Master of Radiculopathy
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@MarciM  Whilst it is balanced to voice an alternative opinion, I do feel that the majority of disgruntled Fitbit users, who are commenting about their dissatisfaction with Fitbit's inadequate response, are actually providing accurate feedback which Fitbit can hopefully use to guide them in fixing the issue at hand.

The strength of feeling amongst the Fitbit community about the 'blank page' issue, just goes to show how much people have come to depend on the 'groups' function for their entertainment and in pursuit of fitness based activities.


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Fitbit Update 02/17/2018--  I understand that patience might be wearing thin and sincerely sympathize with all of your concerns. I want to let you know that I've been in contact with the team, letting them know the importance of activity groups to our customers. Rest assured, our engineering team is continuing to work on getting a fix pushed out as soon as they can. Thanks again for your reports and I'll update the thread when I hear something new.

Best Answer

Thank you Carlos for the much needed update. I apologize for my inflammatory posts. It just shows you how passionate I am about the Activity Group feature Fitbit offers. It is the main reason I am on my 3rd model of Fitbit device. I sincerely hope the problem can be resolved soon.

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Thankful for Carlos' update.

Huggs to CityLion cuz sometimes a lion has got to roar.

Wrapping up today's stepping goal before snow begins.

Remaining hopeful for Activity Groups restoration.


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Thanks for the update, Carlos. Despite my harshness, I sincerely do wish for Fitbit to be successful in ameliorating the situation.

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If I had a way of transferring the two years of data already accumulated I would go to another product like Garmin. I don't want to lose that....

You can export up to 31 days of data.  Select a custom range 24 times, combine the exports into one file and you are all set.



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In all honesty this is the same response packaged differently.  

All we the customers are receiving are platitudes and nothing with any substance.  You tell us you understand and have passed on our concerns but Fitbit clearly is either not listening or doesn't care.

I have been a loyal fitbitter for many years and am losing any confidence in this company 

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Just as Fitbit admin seemed either to not "get it" or just not care what users thought about the cheer changes, the latest issues with the inability to access groups is another situation where they display little understanding or concern regarding their customers. Is it incompetence or indifference? I believe that it may go beyond that. I am wondering if they are being intentionally deceitful, perhaps using this approach to hide that they want to jettison Fitbit's social networking aspects and hiding their plan behind conjured technological problems, thus allowing them to drop those aspects of what helped make Fitbit even more dynamic. 


Failure to receive a direct response in this forum from a Fitbit associate that addresses these concerns will lead me to believe that there could be some credence to my suspicions. Should this particular comment be removed for being inflammatory or inappropriate, as was the fate of two of my previous comments, I will know that yes, indeed, my suspicions are prescient and that these manufactured issues are but a ploy to remove social networking aspects, since they generate no revenue for the company, without making it appear that it is intentional.

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Rest no!  I don't know how you expect people to rest assured you're working on it.  There has been zero communication that first of all there was a problem, or what the problem is, or when we might expect it to be fixed.  It's been well over a month.  My only information comes from other members........not a member of the team.  Why wasn't a mass email sent out?  That would at least have notified people, they might have understood something was a foot.  Instead many individuals think it's their computer, or their fitbit.  Why when we try to access our groups isn't there a message at least.  Every other website I have ever belonged too has that, even for routine maintenance.   


The saddest part of this to me is, a dear fitbit friend, whom I've met face to face, as have others in the group has recently died.  My group can't even read the information I posted about something so personal and so very important to us all.  I find that un-acceptable.  I've attempted to let people know, by trying to remember all the names of the people in the group............since I can't even see that.  And with my memory of that, sent out 80+ private messages being limited to the very small character count.  Not good at all.  Not nice, not appropriate.

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Carlos, you at Fitbit continue to ignore your customers (i.e. those of us that have purchased your product) which came with the community groups.  Who broke it! Why isn't it fixed!  I use to brag about my fitbit and how much fun I had with our group and encourage my friends to get involved.  NO LONGER can I do that.  I am also looking at other activity trackers that support community involvement.  YOU REALLY NEED TO SUPPORT YOUR CUSTOMERS!

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Hi Guys...... Getting really annoyed with this "glich"......We all joined groups for different reasons, but with them being down, I guess our reasons do not matter to you !!  Do we, and our opinions, matter  to you???  Just wondering if it was Leap4Life that was having problems or if it was fitbit causing problems for Leap4Life....



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Leap4Life is gone.

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