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Dashboard Deleted Steps, Not Syncing Properly

This seems to be a new issue today (9/3/24); I charged my device last night and, at first, thought that might have been the cause. This morning, I noticed that my miles syncing over to a fundraiser had reset (I had 7 last night, now it said 1), so I opened the app to find that the last week of data had been deleted and replaced with the steps from my phone itself. After a lot of resetting and reconnecting, I got it to sync up today's steps, but nothing from the past days, and suddenly everything from the past week set to 3078 steps with no explanation. 

Upon a second look, it seems that the 3078 copied to my device, too. It was around 600 when I started looking into this. It still has the mileage that would make sense for 600, as well, so it didn't fully edit. Force closing the app and opening it again has reduced the count to 159, while my phone counter says 70.

I was going to try to manually enter the steps via activity logging but have now copied down what numbers I do know from the past week and will wait to see if there's a solution for this, or at least if this is a widespread issue.

Update 9/9/24- Like I responded to someone else and seems to be a common occurrence, the app briefly synced up once and has been having issues ever since. I'm using my phone for step counting, nothing else has changed or fixed. Per other comments, it seems to be an API issue.

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I’m having a similar issue. I track a lot of steps at work but have to make sure I sync a few times per day. I went to sync this morning and all my steps are gone going back to August 26, 2024. My steps were there yesterday for all those days… now every day from 8/27 to today says I have zero steps. The app lets me sync but it’s not really syncing if it still shows zero steps. I don’t know how to fix this. 

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I have a very similar issue.  After resetting and deleting and reinstalling the app all of my steps are showing what I have for today going back at least a week.  Every day is showing the same steps I have accumulated today.  What the heck is going on?  Now I have no idea what steps I have had for any days. 

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Update! Things seem to have fixed, the past week's numbers showed back up and match what I had written down. I plan to keep my phone in my pocket as a backup for today, but as of the current moment, syncing is working again.

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How did you fix it? I am having the same issue that you described but it is not fixing itself. 

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I wish I could tell you, but I literally just opened the app, tried to sync it again, and noticed that the previous days had data again.

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I'm having the same problem. It started Sunday, and my steps for the past several days (from last Tuesday through today) have also reverted to zero. Sometimes when I sync (I've tried multiple times), it says the correct number of steps so far, but it also gives the same total for the several days before (so if I've walked 1234 steps today so far, then the several days before will also show a total of 1234 steps, rather than whatever they actually were). I have a second fitbit tracker that I tried syncing (by telling my app to "forget" the first tracker and use the second instead), and it behaved exactly the same, so it's not the tracker itself. 

Then I tried deleting and reinstalling the app--still doesn't work. It worked briefly yesterday and I thought somehow it had magically fixed itself, but then this morning when I went in to log my breakfast, I saw that it's broken again.

First losing the dashboard (thought the user-created one works GREAT!!!!), and now this--it's all just so frustrating and demoralizing! I am trying so hard to continue with my health goals, but at this point I feel like Fitbit is thwarting me at every turn! 

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Actually true, same situation for me. It fixed for a while yesterday, but now refuses to sync again. Luckily, I can use my phone to count, it's just annoying to have to carry my phone around all day and definitely less convenient than the device made for this task.

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Hello @rwright13 @mama2em @Hazeltonc @kc9agz @pluvisi

There is currently an issue on the Fitbit side that appears to affect exercise data. I suspect the same issue is affecting step counts.

I looked at the Fitbit Status Dashboard website and saw that there was an issue with the Web API starting around the beginning of September. This impacts data syncing and is apparently the reason why we're having problems with seeing our exercise data in the Fitbit app. The current status is still showing the Web API issue as of today, 06 Sep 2024. So, they must still be working on fixing the problem.

Please be patient. I'll keep checking the status daily. Hopefully, it won't be too much longer before it's fixed and we see all our exercise data & step counts again.

Rieko | N California USA MBG PE

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I am having the same issue!  Mine started yesterday, 9/5, and all my data is missing from 8/27 up until today.  Even some of the older data from earlier this year is missing - whole months!  Very frustrating!  It is very difficult to sync and even when it does appear to sync, the hourly screen total show zero.  I have reset my Fitbit 20+ times, turned off Bluetooth, logged out, powered off my phone multiple times, to no avail!  Help!  I hope someone is working on this issue!  I did notice that an app update happened about a week ago and another one was 2 days ago.  Very suspicious!  

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I have the same issues. Fitbit app will not "remember" the data gathered, it also does not sync with external apps (myfitnesspal). It started on Sept 27 and is still failing. Interesting since myfitnesspal data shows up on the fitbit app, but the fitbit data is constantly set to zero.

Every other time I update the data has been recovered  (for the current day), I refresh the data and it is set back to zero.

I have:

uninstalled and reinstalled the fitbig app and myfitnesspal app on my phone.

Reset my one - multiple times a day since Sept. 27th.

I do not expect an answer from fitbit, Google (according to some rumors) is getting ready to shut down fitbit. I have been a fitbit daily user for approximately 20+ years. Too bad Google has turned this product line into a joke.

I doubt very much that Fitbit/Google reads these comments.

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Have you all transferred over to google? I read not to because it causes more issues but wondering is that part of the problem with the syncing? 

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No, I have not transferred to Google.  

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I feel the exact same - they have totally ruined a great product.
My info from the 27th to now has all disappeared as well and everything is
zero. So darn frustrating
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I feel the exact same way and I have been with fitbit a long time. Now
they just pretty much suck
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I havent transferred either and afraid it would only make things worse -
tho not having any info how could it be?
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I transferred mine a long time ago and haven't noticed any other issues before now, which seems to be unrelated. I think the Google account thing is basically just for login, I don't think it changes anything about the actual app.

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Not sure what's going on.  My Charge 6 shows I currently have 10,804 steps but the Fitbit app on my phone shows 10,951 and I'm all synced up.  This is the first time the app has ever shown more steps than the actual tracker on my wrist.

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Hello @Hazeltonc 

I migrated my Fitbit account to Goggle almost a year ago. As far as I can tell, the sync issue is related to the Web API problem on the Fitbit side.

Rieko | N California USA MBG PE

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The status on this Web API issue has not changed on the dashboard since 9/3.  How can you tell if Fitbit is actually working on the issue?  

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