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Dashboard Deleted Steps, Not Syncing Properly

This seems to be a new issue today (9/3/24); I charged my device last night and, at first, thought that might have been the cause. This morning, I noticed that my miles syncing over to a fundraiser had reset (I had 7 last night, now it said 1), so I opened the app to find that the last week of data had been deleted and replaced with the steps from my phone itself. After a lot of resetting and reconnecting, I got it to sync up today's steps, but nothing from the past days, and suddenly everything from the past week set to 3078 steps with no explanation. 

Upon a second look, it seems that the 3078 copied to my device, too. It was around 600 when I started looking into this. It still has the mileage that would make sense for 600, as well, so it didn't fully edit. Force closing the app and opening it again has reduced the count to 159, while my phone counter says 70.

I was going to try to manually enter the steps via activity logging but have now copied down what numbers I do know from the past week and will wait to see if there's a solution for this, or at least if this is a widespread issue.

Update 9/9/24- Like I responded to someone else and seems to be a common occurrence, the app briefly synced up once and has been having issues ever since. I'm using my phone for step counting, nothing else has changed or fixed. Per other comments, it seems to be an API issue.

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Why is this still an issue?

Last week I noticed the app not working properly in Wednesday. There seemed to be a resolution shortly thereafter, but the issue appeared again the next day. It’s now Monday. Will Fitbit please make a statement as to the nature of the issue and give a reasonable timeline for resolution? 

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Hey all!

New to the community page, but I just wanted to say I am having the same issue with my Fitbit One. It has not been syncing properly since 8/26. It worked perfectly for a brief time on 9/4, but not since. Any updates would be much appreciated. Thank you all!

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Hello @rmdm413 @Notraces @ferguson7246 

Considering the service disruption has been on-going for about a week, it's likely that the fix is not an easy one.

I've seen some Android users report that they no longer have the problem. As an Android user, my problem was fixed a day after it started. It seems that iOS users are still being affected.

For what it's worth, I saw a user report today (09 Sep 2024) that Support told them the problem would be fixed in 3 days. Hopefully, that information is correct.


Rieko | N California USA MBG PE

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Rieko - Thanks for that bit of information. I really do hope it resolves this week.

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I have an android phone and my Fitbit One will sync but the prior days say zero.  Last day with data was Aug 26.  My husband has an Inspire 3 that I sync on the same phone at the same time of day and his prior day's data is Ok.  He has not lost any data.  So is the problem with just certain devices?  

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I read that the update they pushed out broke things. My wife’s Fitbit seems to be fine - since she didn’t update the app. I wish I would have known…
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I might be sounding paranoid, but my fear of that it’s only affecting the older Fitbits (the One and the Zip), and it seems to me like Google wouldn’t be in any hurry to fix because they no longer care to spend the money to support older models. Having said that, though, I will say my daughter’s One is still working. I am very concerned, though, as I can’t wear a watch and if my One doesn’t start syncing again soon, I’m kinda screwed because I can’t find a non-watch replacement for it. As it is, I haven’t been able to monitor my calorie output in weeks, and it’s really screwing with my meal planning and dietary health. 

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Totally agree with the using phone or alternative for tracking steps etc now as Fitbit/Google app is completely useless now.  Also I just did a full data export of my entire fitbit history - what a waste of time, the format it comes in is pathetic to say the least and just about unreadable!  Hate Fitbit and Google for what they have done to a once excellent tracking system.  Nothing is worth keeping now - not steps, not sleep, not exercise/activity - NOTHING!!!!  Never buying another fitbit or google product again.  They have absolutely ZERO interest in helping their customers so they deserve to lose all of them.

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not for me 😡

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I've tried everything I can to get it to sync properly again and now it's even worse.  Not only does it show zero or if I'm lucky and it shows a figure in the steps it is a random number and it appears to have absolutely ruined my actual tracker as it now shows up seriously incorrect figures that is impossible.  I have even set it up right next to another tracker and they both show different figures with the "ruined" one out by a long way!  So disgusted in Fitbit and Google and won't ever buy their products again.

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Hello @mama2em 

From the user reports I've seen, the issue isn't limited to the older devices. Charge 5 & 6 users as well as Pixel Watch users are reporting similar issues.

Rieko | N California USA MBG PE

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Agreed. This is insanely annoying. The app has constant syncing issues especially with the One. I really need to find a new clip style tracker. Not interested in the watch style which seems to be all anyone wants to put out these days.

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I am having the same issue.  I first thought my Fitbit One was the cause as it is a bit old.  Yesterday, I purchased a Fitbit Inspire 3.  The sync issue remains.  It is not the device.  It looks that Google just somehow screwed up the app.  Worse yet, nothing has changed in weeks.  Google is a tier 1 tech company.  But their response to this issue and the deletion of the web based Fitbit platform shows that may no longer be the case.

I have a few days to keep the Inspire 3 (for which I a clip case accessory is available).  If there is no remedy soon for the sync issue I will return the Inspire 3 and move on to another fitness tracker platform.  Google's loss.  And yes, bring back the web based platform.

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Its been longer than 3 days and the app and dashboard still doesn't work !

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Have you any more reports of a timeline for the problem to be fixed?

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Nothing from Google or FitBit... but then that is what I expected.

The App does work - sort of - It still does not show any historical data after 8-26 until yesterday and the data are incomplete.

It will not record steps correctly, nor does it store floors climbed.

The information is extremely hit and miss, data collected via my third-third party scale and food/water amounts show up. Any and all data from 8-26 until yesterday are gone.

Frustrating, but no one at Google cares at all.

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My app shows zeros for everything since 8/27.  8/26 info carried over but nothing since.  It definitely appears no one cares at all!!  Fitbit used to be great - since google took over everything has totally gone down hill - so very frustrating that they ruined a great product.


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For at least a week, maybe more than that, the app does not show my steps accurately. I installed the update, too. I use a Fitbit One AND Inspire 3...the One is my primary because I feel like it is more accurate with steps. But even if I sync everything up at the end of the day and The app shows the correct number of steps, for example, 8000 plus, the next morning it may say 3000 or 4000. I feel very frustrated that the only way to keep track of my steps accurately is to write them down before I go to sleep. When will this be fixed???? 

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I called them when this started, and was on phone for almost an hour.  All they told me was they would open a ticket.  The ticket says they're aware of the problem and they're working on it.  That was 9/3.  In the meantime, my stats aren't syncing to my insurance app correctly, so now I need to find a solution.  I love my FB One, as I hate wristbands.  Does anyone use anything similar to the click on fit bit that they can recommend? 

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An update for iOS was just released. I thought this would fix everything. Nope.

I rebooted my Fitbit One - tried again. Still not working. It synched today’s steps but nothing else. When I tried to synch again it showed zero for steps. Yearly stats up until August 20 something -

So - more of the same.
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