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Food Log—Not Logging Correct Amount of Food

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When I enter an amount for a food, a different amount appears in my log for some, but not all items. I've been very careful to check and I'm certain it's not my error. For example, when I enter 2 oz. of milk (for my oatmeal) it shows in my log as 2 QUARTS. I've deleted and re-entered information with the same result. The calorie count seems to be correct, but the amount showing needs to be correct for this to be helpful to me. Can something be done to correct this?

Best Answer

Yes i have been having the same problem for two days. It seems to log the correct amount of calories for the measurement i select but not the correct name of the measurement. Example slices instead of grams.

I have been logging daily since September 2014 and have never seen this problem before.

Best Answer

Yes - this has been going on for a few days. I log the food as grams and then it turns into pounds or something else. The stats stay correct, it still logs calories as the amount in grams even though it shows quarts. In the image below I log that my tortilla is 62 grams. It changes it to 62 tortillas, but keeps the calories and other stats as 62 grams. I go back and change it to grams but it stays as tortillas. The honey smoked salmon is grams, not 177 oz. 40 grams of oats, not 40 cups, 44 grams blueberries, not cups. Only things that stayed correct are bananas and the vitamins.



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I have been having this problem as well for the past few days.  Entries in the log from days prior to this problem seem to retain the correct units but new entries are wrong.  The error also occurs when a preset meal is added to the log.

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Same problem here. The entries are on a Windows computer however, there was an iphone update released the same day the errors started. Coincidence?

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I started a new thread on this issue yesterday (not being aware that a thread already existed) I thought the problem had something to do with the automatic Windows update from Windows 7 to Windows 10, maybe not?


One thing that seems to be a common denominator with this problem is that it seems to follow this:


In the drop-down menus of each food type, whatever is at the top of any particular menu is what the food will be recorded as. For instance,"milk, cow's non-fat", the top menu item for milk is quarts and if you change it to ounces or grams it will be displayed as quarts even though the calorie amount will be correct for ounces or grams, whichever you choose to enter.


It's not a disaster, but it is annoying! And the problem (for me) began the same day Microsoft decided to install Windows 10 on my PC. Coincidence? I don't know. I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing the problem. Let's hope the FitBit folks can fix it.

Best Answer

I have not updated to Windows 10 so it's not related to that. I contacted the help chat yesterday and reported the issue. They are working hard on it with developer.

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Thank you for reporting the problem through chat. I'm relieved to know it is not a Windows 10 issue after all. Thanks! Smiley Sad

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I'm running Windows 7, it is the same on my personal computer and my computer at my office. 

Best Answer
Yesterday mine went nuts with food entries...everytime I entered a food it added the same food at least 3-4 more times. According to my Fitbit I ate over 3,000 calories when I actually ate 1,200. Very annoying!!! I kept deleting the extra food entries and Fitbit kept adding them back. I even deleted my Fitbit and then added it back and set it up as a new one and it's still doing it. First time in 3 years I've had this problem.
Best Answer

Yes the units of mass are all fudged up, ounces become cups etc, the drop down menus for these are glitched.  Fitbit, fix please!

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Thanks everyone for letting me know that I'm not the only one experiencing this problem. I finally called it into fitbit this morning. They didn't seem to be aware of the issue, but they said they will look into it and should have it resolved within 24 to 48 hours. I hope they will, but I'll follow up if it isn't.

Best Answer

I'm getting wrong units across the board.  I almost always enter in grams, but portions are showing up in servings, ounces, pounds, cans, you name it.  The calories are correct, but the units are wrong, wrong, wrong.  This just started happening in the last week.  I've tried logging out and back in.  No help.  Help!

Best Answer

Hey Fitbit folks... if you're monitoring this thread while fixing the logging: would it be too much trouble to bring back the decimal measurements in the FB app? For those of us who weigh stuff, it's a pain to have to convert--and your fractions are not granular enough to log it accurately. I don't know when this went away but... I really miss it!


Thanks for the consideration!

Best Answer

Yes, I have been having this same issue for a few days now. It reverts to the top serving name, but the calories are consistent with what I actually entered. It is frustrating as sometimes I go back to re-log meals, and I have to make sure I remember what portion I actually need to enter to make it the same meal.

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I'm one of the weigh everything people. Agree with this also. 

Best Answer

I'm struggling with amounts too. Calories look OK but the amounts are all over the place. It only started recently. Looks the Fitbit web site team have been doing their thing again.

Best Answer

I have the same problem and have a mac, so not related to device.

Can we have an update, please, Fitbit?


Best Answer

I have noticed the same problem in the last few days.  If I choose a unit of measurement (e.g., grams instead of slices), it calculates the correct amount of calories, but it displays the first (default) unit that's shown on the dropdown menu.  Checking back in my food log, it seems to be displaying like this even for previous days that were correct when I entered them.  I am on a PC with Windows 7.

Best Answer

I went back "in time" and looked at older entries and it is the same with much older food logs. Cup instead of gram, pound instead of oz., etc. As everyone is reporting, the calories are correct but the unit of measurement is not correct. Even when going back and trying to change it to the correct unit it stays as the incorrect unit.



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