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RESOLVED: Cannot View All Activity Group Content

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Fitbit Update 03/20/2018-- Our engineers have implemented a fix in the latest site release. You should now be able to views topic posts, replies and submit replies. If you still cannot view or send replies in your activity group, let us know. 


As for last 7-day and previous months leaderboards, you might still experience problems viewing them. Our team is still looking into the leaderboards issue and I'll update when I receive new info. 


Thanks again to all of you for baring with us.



Fitbit Update 03/16/2018-- Apologies for the delay in resolving the remaining issues with Activity Groups. It's been about 2 months since the activity groups outage occurred and I definitely understand your concerns about the length of time it's taken to get this issue resolved.


On the positive side, our engineers have a fix in place to resolve the inability to view/respond to topic discussions. However, they still have a few tasks to complete in order to successfully include the fix in the next site release. 


As for the issue with the inability to view 7-day/previous month leaderboards, our engineers are still investigating it. I'll update you with any relevant updates when I get them. Thanks for your continued patience.   



Fitbit Update 03/7/2018-- I wanted to check in here and reassure you that I've have passed along the all the feedback provided in this thread to our engineers. They're aware of the inability to views posts and leaderboards (7-day and previous month) and are still in the process of working on a fix.


Please note that these issues are not happening to all activity groups. Unfortunately, only some of activity groups are experiencing this and were still determining the root cause. Our apologies for the time it's taking to get the issues resolved. I know how important activity groups are to you and sincerely empathize with all those effected. I'll continue to keep everyone in the loop with the latest.



Fitbit Update 03/3/2018--


Thanks for continuing to share your experience with Activity Groups. I've identified the following issues from the feedback provided over the last several days: 


  • Previous month and past 7 day leaderboards are not viewable. 
  • New topics can be created but posts cannot be submitted or viewed after clicking on a previous topic
  • Private messages cannot be sent


I've created a ticket for this one and have included your feedback along to engineering to investigate. I'll update you all when I hear an update. I really appreciate your patience as our team looks into this. 


Fitbit Update 02/21/2018-- I have some good news to share, our engineering team pushed out a site release at 11:11 am (PST) that should resolve the issue. I see that some of you have reported that all Activity Group content is now viewable. I've also tested some activity group pages and posts and can confirm that I can see all content. 


Please let me know your experience after the site release. I'm hoping to continue hearing positive feedback. 

Fitbit Update 02/17/2018--  I understand that patience might be wearing thin and sincerely sympathize with all of your concerns. I want to let you know that I've been in contact with the team, letting them know the importance of activity groups to our customers. Rest assured, our engineering team is continuing to work on getting a fix pushed out as soon as they can. Thanks again for your reports and I'll update the thread when I hear something new.

Fitbit Update 02/14/2018-- Thanks for your continued feedback. I wanted to jump in to let you know that our engineering team is working to get the fix released ASAP. I'll continue to monitor and keep you all updated. I appreciate your continued patience.

Fitbit Update 02/9/2018--  Our engineering team has identified the root cause and will be releasing a fix soon. I appreciate all of you for chiming in and providing your feedback on this thread. I've removed my mention of using Firefox as a possible solution since no one found success doing so. When I hear an update from our engineers, I'll definitely update this thread. Thanks for your patience.    

Fitbit Update 02/6/2018 -- Our team is aware of an issue where users cannot view all activity group page content when accessing a group and topic posts on Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer.


Screen Shot 2018-02-06 at 10.59.15 AM.pngScreen Shot 2018-02-06 at 10.59.41 AM.png



Our engineering team is aware of the issue and is currently investigating. I'll have updates to share with everyone as soon as I hear some news. Thanks for your patience and for taking the time to report this issue. Stay tuned!

Best Answer
449 REPLIES 449

This post was posted in err. Apparently, "replying to this email will not work" worked. 


More than a few forum issues it would seem.

Best Answer

@Jan2512  Yes, many complaints... and to add to my earlier post, Fitbit acknowledged me on the 30jan18 there is a problem and here is the Case # etc... which doesn't help us because like many issues like this one has been self induced by the engineers..


I found I could create a Topic to warn the members of the problem..


As well as this, I have been waiting nearly 6 months sending regular Support email dialogue because I never receive my Morning and Evening Daily Digests.


And, many more months, because I don't get the Daily Digest, I wanted the date of the last post fixed.. because I have a few Community Groups and I have to go into everyone to check activity..  Weeks since last active post on a brand new Group is 240 weeks... many are 240 weeks and others 95 weeks......


It definitely doesn't give you confidence because of this and flakiness elsewhere



"Thank you for getting back to us.

We appreciate you for sending the community link. We're glad to know that you've already started a post about this issues in our community page. Our engineers are aware of the problem and are working to resolve it as quickly as possible. 

We're sorry for any inconvenience it's caused. We appreciate your patience and look forward to getting you back on track. 

Please let us know if there's anything we may do to assist you in the meantime.


Karl D. and the Fitbit Team


Reply directly to this email to update your case. #23393066




Is anything being done about this issue or is it a sign that the Fitbit web site is on the way out.  I know this is a widespread problem and it has got worse.  Until today I was at least able to see the groups I am involved with and where I stand on the leader board - now I just getting a blank screen.


I am losing faith in Fitbit.  I have emailed support but they gave me no real help.  I contacted live chat and the operator told me that she hadn't heard of the problem and it must very rare.  I explained that it was a widespread issue and she said she would refer my concerns to a technical specialist.  So far no response.


Is there a way of starting a private group through the app, at the moment I can still use this.


Colin:Victoria, Australia
Ionic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
Best Answer

I started a group for my class (I have been doing this for a couple of years).  For some reason, I can not see the students who have joined the group, just the number of students in the group.  This started today.  What gives?

Best Answer

Chrome doesn't work either

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Nothing works, our corporate challenge is in a fog as none of our employees can see the standings.

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It's a good thing we are only 5 days into this challenge. Our members are biting at the bit to see if they have outdone their team members. 

Best Answer

Has anyone updated you? I've tried IE, Firefox and Chrome with no success. My corporate challenge is at a halt until we can figure this out.

Best Answer
No, not yet. We are lucky since we have a google form that employees fill
out if they don't have a fitbit so we'll go that route if this isn't
corrected in a couple of days.
Best Answer

This has just happened to me today also...and out of the blue. I am on iPhone, mac and windows but all I get when I click on my group is blank!!



Best Answer

Has anyone tried to create a new group in the past 24 hours? I'm wondering if that is quick fix to recreate the groups and have people join. I'm running several challenges in group for my company and thus searching a work around. Would love hear ideas if anyone has any to share.

Marci | Bellevue, WA
Best Answer

Yep I also noticed this problem. It was all working fine on Sunday went to look at progress on my Activity Groups today and either a blank screen or an error ‘303’ whatever that is!!!


I have tried to resolve as it’s an issue on my Mac and iPad with the same errors. I have cleared caches, the search history, unchecked add in’s, rebooted in safe mode. None have worked.


FitBit you really have to start getting your act together what with the other unresolved problem with step loss/gain on the weekly reports (10,281 less than last week, check your reports, I can guarantee there all wrong).  


Your MI is becoming a joke!!!





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Firefox is also not working. All I see is a blank screen.

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I also have not been able to see the leaderboard in my groups for two days.  Very frustrating.  I can't fix this myself because I'm no computer techie.....doesn't Fitbit have anybody who can fix this?

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Yes, this reminds me of the activity minutes problem too.


Huge impact on those of us who use groups - obviously another software testing problem and a complete lack of urgency and response from Fitbit.


Come on guys - be more professional here!!

Best Answer

It's not working in Firefox either.

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Downloaded Firefox didn't work on that browser either.

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Does not work on firefox...also updated software on Iphone and still the same...its a fitbit problem!

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Oops. See reply below.

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0 Votes

Doesn't work on Firefox or Chrome on Linux or Android.


(I don't have enough money to try it on an Apple device, and there's not enough money to make me try Edge or IE.)

Best Answer

FYI, Firefox does not work either.

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