03-28-2024 04:30
03-28-2024 04:30
Muddy March may be at an end, but the mud and rain will go on. On the plus side, most of the cold (hot, if you live in the south) weather is gone and its a great month to be outside. Take your allergy meds and get out to see the brown go away and the nature’s colors start to spread.
How It Works
The primary purpose of these monthly challenges is to keep track of your daily step goals for the month; though many of us track other things as well, like body weight exercises, sleep, trips to the gym, logging food, etc. This is not a competition to see who can do the most of whatever, instead it is a challenge to measure your consistency. So whether you do 1k, 5k, 10k or even 40k steps a day, this is measuring how many days out of the monthly total you can hit your goal.
Some might have a constant goal of 10k steps every single day and others might have a variable goal throughout the week, (and some might even plan days off!) for example.
Monday -> Friday = 10k steps a day
Sat & Sun = “6k steps a day,” or “not tracking”
Regardless of how you structure your daily goals, the only thing that matters for the monthly challenge is whether or not you reach what you set out to do.
Suggested Posting Format
1) Post either your constant or variable step goal.
2) Keep track of the # of daily goals achieved out of the monthly minimum and or monthly total
Picture Scavenger Hunt — 3 pictures
Northern Flicker exiting a potential nest
The theme of the photo scavenger hunt this month is changing seasons. Beginning of Spring in the North and Fall in the South. So blossoms for some of us, especially on the trees, and falling leaves for others. And, of course, the mud.
Although you certainly don’t have to post daily, you’ll likely stay closer to what you set out to do by updating the thread several times/week
Injury Notice
If you injure yourself during the month and need to scale back due to the injury, then all you have to do is adjust your goal for that period. If you normally do 10k steps a day but pull a hamstring and decide to do minimal walking (2k steps a day), then all you have to do is change your goal.
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
04-11-2024 05:44
04-11-2024 05:44
11 April
10,000 steps a day for 15 days 8/15
10 days over 12,000 6/10
6 days over 15,000 steps 2/6
35 exercise sessions (swim, bike, walk, gym, dance) 19/35
100km on my bike -/100
3 Scavenger Hunt pics 3/3
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
04-12-2024 03:39
04-12-2024 03:39
12 April
10,000 steps a day for 15 days 9/15
10 days over 12,000 7/10
6 days over 15,000 steps 3/6
35 exercise sessions (swim, bike, walk, gym, dance) 23/35
100km on my bike -/100
3 Scavenger Hunt pics 3/3
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
04-13-2024 05:12
04-13-2024 05:12
13 April
10,000 steps a day for 15 days 10/15
10 days over 12,000 7/10
6 days over 15,000 steps 3/6
35 exercise sessions (swim, bike, walk, gym, dance) 25/35
100km on my bike 26/100
3 Scavenger Hunt pics 3/3
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
04-14-2024 02:09
04-14-2024 02:09
April Showers (2024) - Goals
Have had some major health setbacks and other things going on. Time for me to get it together (again) and rejoin this group.
*MTT stands for Muscle Training Therapy, which is prescribed by a Dr and paid for here by health insurance. I go to a physiotherapy center which has a lot of machines and devices specifically to train the muscles and improve cardio endurance.
04-14-2024 05:38
04-14-2024 05:38
14 March
10,000 steps a day for 15 days 10/15
10 days over 12,000 7/10
6 days over 15,000 steps 3/6
35 exercise sessions (swim, bike, walk, gym, dance) 25/35
100km on my bike 44/100
3 Scavenger Hunt pics 3/3
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
04-15-2024 05:32
04-15-2024 05:32
15 March
10,000 steps a day for 15 days 11/15
10 days over 12,000 8/10
6 days over 15,000 steps 3/6
35 exercise sessions (swim, bike, walk, gym, dance) 27/35
100km on my bike 44/100
3 Scavenger Hunt pics 3/3
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
04-15-2024 05:50 - edited 04-15-2024 23:30
04-15-2024 05:50 - edited 04-15-2024 23:30
April Showers (2024) - Goals - April 15
04-15-2024 21:00
04-15-2024 21:00
@Jotex glad you’re back and hope you mend well!!
April Showers, April 15
10k steps per day (Sundays) - 2 /4 days
Over 13k steps per day - 9/15 days
Over 16k steps per day - 4/7 days
Over 20k steps per day - 2/4
Weights - 8/15 days
Yoga/pilates/stretch - 8/15 days
90 oz Water every day - 15/30 days
5 lb weight loss - /5 pounds lost
Mindfulness/Meditation at least 3 minutes- 3/7
April pictures. 3/3
The pictures below were taken at our friends property across the lake who have eagle “viewings“ .. This is the 2nd eaglet this year. I was able to take these shots with their incredible camera!
04-15-2024 23:32
04-15-2024 23:32
April Showers (2024) - Goals - April 16
Thanks @jantonini! Good to be back. Hanging in there.
04-16-2024 03:17
04-16-2024 03:17
16 April
10,000 steps a day for 15 days 12/15
10 days over 12,000 9/10
6 days over 15,000 steps 4/6
35 exercise sessions (swim, bike, walk, gym, dance) 30/35
100km on my bike 44/100
3 Scavenger Hunt pics 3/3
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
04-16-2024 10:13
04-16-2024 10:13
@Jotex -- I'm glad you getting back at it. I was close to going to PT for the self-diagnosed pinched nerve in my neck last month, but it seems to have resolved on its own. That, and crunch time at work over the past severals weeks has gotten me out of my gym routine, though. Trying to get back on track with that.
@jantonini -- how exciting to have an eagle nest nearby. I see bald eagles flying around in a couple of places I hike, but I haven't found any nests in camera range yet.
However, just this past weekend I DID find a couple of yellow crowned night heron nests on a stream that runs through Baltimore. Very urban spot, just a couple of blocks from the train station I take to go to DC. Two parents in one of the nests when I checked on Sunday morning (the one preening was laying in the nest when I showed up; and the one sniffing had just arrived with another twig for the nest. The Arrgh bird was on a different nest in the same tree on Saturday evening. There was a second nearby, but out of frame. Another photographer reported 12 different individuals a couple of weeks ago, but I've only seen four so far.
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
04-16-2024 12:01
04-16-2024 12:01
Oh wow @Baltoscott!! Those are incredible pics! I so love birdwatching and photographing!!
We have at least four blue Herons roaming our lake which is on the smaller side. I will try to get a picture of those those. Sometimes they sit on our boatlift.
04-17-2024 20:56
04-17-2024 20:56
April Showers (2024) - Goals - April 17
Thanks for your kind wishes and welcome back @Baltoscott. Glad your pinched nerve has resolved itself. Wishing you success on getting back in sync with your gym routine.
04-18-2024 04:32
04-18-2024 04:32
18 April
10,000 steps a day for 15 days 13/15
10 days over 12,000 10/10
6 days over 15,000 steps 5/6
35 exercise sessions (swim, bike, walk, gym, dance) 33/35
100km on my bike 44/100
3 Scavenger Hunt pics 3/3
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
04-18-2024 05:26
04-18-2024 05:26
April Showers 4 to 17
11.7K Steps/Day, 22 Working Days: 4/22
10K Steps/Day 8 Off Days: 3/10
2000 Calorie Limit/Day: 15/3
IF Daily (12 hr weekday/16:8 weekend): 17/30
Weights 2x/week: 6/10
Stretch 4x/week: -/15
Squats 30/day: /10
80oz Water daily: 7/30
Lose 3 pounds: --/3
Photo Scavenger Hunt: -/3
Total Steps: 163,089/337,000
04-19-2024 05:35
04-19-2024 05:35
19 April
10,000 steps a day for 15 days 14/15
10 days over 12,000 11/10
6 days over 15,000 steps 6/6
35 exercise sessions (swim, bike, walk, gym, dance) 37/35
100km on my bike 44/100
3 Scavenger Hunt pics 3/3
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
04-20-2024 04:02
04-20-2024 04:02
April Showers (2024) - Goals - April 18, 19
April weather is like a wild rollercoaster ride. One weekend we had 28 C (82 F) quickly followed by freezing temperatures and snow. 🙃
04-20-2024 06:40
04-20-2024 06:40
20 April
10,000 steps a day for 15 days 14/15
10 days over 12,000 11/10
6 days over 15,000 steps 6/6
35 exercise sessions (swim, bike, walk, gym, dance) 39/35
100km on my bike 88/100
3 Scavenger Hunt pics 3/3
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
04-22-2024 19:09
04-22-2024 19:09
April Showers Day 22
17K steps/day for 25 days | 13/25 | |
1 pushup for 25 days | 22/25 | |
9 weight-lifting days | 4/9 | |
post 3 scavenger pics | 3/3 | |
Sleep 6:10 hours + 20 days or more during the month | 12/20 | |
1 pull-up for 25 days | 22/25 | |
Unicycle: 15 mins/day for 20 days | 14/20 | |
20 dry days | 3/20 | |
Beat April 2023 bike mileage (446.7 miles) YIKES! | 233.5 | |
100 zone minutes 20 days. | 12/20 |
Watching the rain.
Happy Times
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
04-23-2024 04:28
04-23-2024 04:28
April Showers (2024) - Goals - April 20, 21, 22