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Benefits of exercise to your mental health

We're all aware that exercise is good for the body, but we're not always aware of how good it can be for our mental health. Improving our physical condition and our sleep can have an immense impact when dealing with depression, anxiety, stress, and more. 


Some of the benefits I've experienced personally since I started to use Fitbit back in 2014 are: Better sleep, more energy throughout the day, a higher self-esteem and better a mood. 😀




What about you? Have you noticed any benefits to your mental health since you started your fitness journey and you joined the Fitbit family? Have you developed any good habits? Feel free to share your experiences!  

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I find that the camaraderie in the forums and especially in the challenges have benefitted my mental health. There is always someone there who has my back and is ready to offer encouragement. In the past, I did a lot of “emotional eating.” Now, I go into the forums or join another exercise challenge. That’s a wonderful change of habit! Happy to say I lost 30 lbs during 2020 and have kept it off. 

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I like that @SunsetRunner! Definitely one of the benefits of participating in the forums. That sense of Community and the motivation or inspiration that we get from others. 😀

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I work out primarily for the mental health benefits. I’ve struggled with depression my whole life. It was a doctor who suggested exercise might help. And boy did it. The last time I took anti-depressants was 1994. I’ve been high on life since!

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@ThumbedCat - you just made my day! 

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Of course, I completely agree with you. Physical exercise hardens not only our body, but also our spirit and psychological state. For example, I personally find it much easier to cope with stress. I was in China a few years ago.  Because everyone does physical exercises without exception.  Taoist monks who are many years old and wear new hanfu do exercises every day.  And they look much younger. Since then, I also decided to get a hanfu and start exercising. Since then, I feel a lot better.


Moderator Edit: Word choice

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Wow that's incredible, @ThumbedCat! Thank you for sharing that, exercise definitely has lots of benefits for the body and the mind. 😀


That's awesome, @cjlab9ihih, thank you for sharing your experience in China, it's great to see how other cultures approach exercise and daily activity as well. 😁  

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I just came across this thread, and I had to say that I totally agree with you that exercise is not only good for our physical health but also for our mental health. I have also experienced better sleep, increased energy, and a better mood since I started my fitness journey. It's amazing how much of an impact exercise can have on our mental state. Btw, guys, I've recently found out what neurodivergent means. Check it out if you want to know more about it It was my son's assignment at school, so he asked me to help him. Anyway, hope you don't mind reviving this thread.

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Fitbit is a very good friend for several years.  Doing 10,000 steps a day should get me to Pole to Pole for my 85th birthday.  Fitbit keeps me active and gets me out of the house every day.  I could use a few friends to check in on me as I age.

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