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Better health is more then just weight loss

What are you doing to improve your health? Is the FitBit helping you to reach your health goals? Are your goals just weight loss or are you looking for more? If you are looking for more, what is it that you want to achieve? I'm interested in what is on the minds of other FitBitters.Smiley Happy


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Im in my 60's and am trying to lose 13 pounds. But more important to me is mintaining my flexibility, improving my BMI and reducing the viseral fat around my heart. Ive eliminated nearly all sugar, and eat more fresh veggies than I ever would have imagined. I LOVE my increased energy level and my stamimna. Fit bit adds a fun structure to aging with a smile! This old goat needs a reminder to MYA or as my husband jokes,"Move your a--"

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Well, I have joined a gym and have a trainer hired to help me make some lifestyle changes. We are going to work on how I eat, how much I eat and what I should eat and how much I should eat. She is going to be training me for the next 3 months and I am hoping this will work. I need something to jump start me and be held accountable. Interested in know how fitbit calcs the calories that we are supposed to eat for the day.

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I decided to get serious about my weight last January and purchased my Fitbit the week after.  The first month or two I was concentrating on revising my eating habits and just used the Fitbit to monitor my activity.  It didn't take long before the Fitbit was motivating me to see just how much I could improve my calorie burn just by increasing my movements each day.  


My Fitbit helps keep me accountable to myself each day so even when I'm a bit tired I still find time to go for a "short" walk at the very least.  I have lost 60 lbs since the beginning of the year and have gone from barely walking around the block to a daily stroll of 5 to 8 km.  I really believe that this is due largely to the feedback I get from my Fitbit.  I've recruited my daughter and co-worker and now they are finding the same.

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I agree with you

Being healthy is as important as weight loss

Your diet your activity levels as well as an effort to be consistent is very important

I have been using the Force since Dec 12 2013 and was always fit but now walk about more while in between patients , eat healthier and ofcourse am ADDICTED to my FITBIT DEVICE

BTW lost 10 pounds since Dec 2013

Very nice post Lynne and wonderful replies so far.

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I agree Dr. Gandhi. I believe the two go hand in hand. When you release weight it is a motivator to continue the good habits you are forming that are getting you there.

Many people have jobs that require them to sit in front of a computer all day. Such as myself, I am a Medical Coder-CPC,I am always studying to keep updated on the changes that occur in ICD and CPT, therefore requiring me to sit in front of a computer longer, as these studies are usually available on line.

Add being in the pique of the change of life, well, there came the weight gain and then feeling very unhealthy. Although, my cholesterol, triglycerides, sugar and all are fine, the problem I am having is I am a small boned woman with a lot of weight on my body that my bones can't handle and the weight also causes the heart to work harder.

However, I do believe I am on the right track for attaining a healthy eating plan and work out plan. I believe also that this will help in the change of life symptoms that are fiercely attacking my body.

Off to work, good bye for now.


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@mimipam  great answer.  I'm right behind you in age; just turned 59 last month. You are blessed to have someone at home to help you along and I love your "MYA".  My dog, Grace keeps me moving.


Sorry the @function is not working but: @Gandhi @mczoo59 @dragonfly

      I enjoyed your input as well; thanks for sharing.


It is the people, all of you, who motivate me. My Flex is my lifeline providing my why for progress and regression. With everything in one place it has simplified my efforts.


Why or how are best proven by stats. Documentation saved my life and I continue to document as much as I can. For me nutrition, exercise, belief in self, faith and setting goals are necessary to achieve better quality of life.  Action and Knowledge equal power! 


My Flex tracks my sleep and steps, I log other data, Fitbit automates the data in a fun way with charts and graphs and I get to connect with likeminded people within our Fitbit Community. It has become a win win for me.


Making Fitbit a constant in my daily routine was a smart decision. My accumulated data provides the knowledge to see where to make changes. Since mid May I have lost a 6.5lbs and more than doubled my number of daily steps. My documentation and actions have allowed me the insight to why I kept regressing. Slow and steady was my norm but I learned that Slower and steady needed to be my new norm. 


In short I have lost the use of all parts of my body at one time or another over the past twenty five years. Miraculously I am alive and have regained ability. My reality is that I know my invisible illnesses exist and I can loose my ability in a heart beat like I did February of 2013 at the peak of recovery or I will simply go about my day.  Either way I will stand up and when I do I will continue to pace myself and do everything humanly possible to continue to beat the odds. I step out in faith and keep on keeping on because I believe there is so much more to come and thanks to this little device and the support and sharing of our Fitbit community my job of maintaining me is a little bit easier. 

@CoachLynne  you asked us to share because you are interested... will you share with us?Smiley Happy


Dawn | USA Flex Charge HR Charge Surge Blaze Versa 2 Android
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Sure I can share my story. First of all, I really enjoy hearing what others have to say and finding out what their motivations and inspirations are. Thank to everyone that has responded. I have enjoyed your stories. 

In Feb 2013 my husband and I were very unhealthy. He was 350+ and I was 200+. We were introduced to a health program that helped us turn everything around. By the end of 2013 he was down 100 lbs and I loss 70+. Just as exciting is that he is either off some of his meditations or have had them reduced. We both have more energy and are excited to go hiking and biking. I use to HATE running, but I have completed 4 half marathons in the past 12 months, 3 dirty dashes and numerous 5K's. I finished a 15 K earlier today. I have been so thrilled with our changes that I am paying it forward by trying to inspire and motivate others to get healthy, too. 

Keep up the good work everyone! It's not easy, but you are worth it. 

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You are an inspiration:) I am also a woman of faith. So grateful to have a chance to go forward with ways of getting fit and having great communication. Keep up the good work New Dawn.

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