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Community Blog: How I Got Started With Strength Training by Anne Magner

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Strength training isn't necessarily about bulky muscles

For a lot of people when it comes to strength training, it’s usually forgotten about because a lot of us associate it directly to building bulky muscles – I used to be one of those people. That changed for me in 2019, when I noticed that even though I thought I was strong from a health perspective, my endurance and overall ability to lift larger items wasn't exactly be where I wanted it to be. I did a lot of research and realized that in order to build endurance, I needed to improve my strength. I didn’t realize I could build strength, and not end up with huge muscles. I had serious images of bulky arms and increased weight gain because of extra muscles, that kept me from starting my journey in the first place.


Getting started

So, I started small! A few days each week, I carved out time (usually 30-45 minutes), headed to my gym and only did weight training, focusing on smaller weights, and getting the reps per set perfected. Each week I was able to analyze how the weights felt, and if it was time for me to move to a heavier weight.


I used my Fitbit app to get guidance on how to perform a set of strength training exercises, and a big part of analyzing if my strength was improving was around how much easier it was for me to hike a huge mountain with my new found leg and core muscles that I had spent time conditioning. This allowed me to do any type of cardio exercise for longer periods of time without feeling completely sore and exhausted!



Within just a few months, I felt like my body had better definition, my clothes fit better, and my physical and mental endurance spiked positively. The Fitbit app also gave me great encouragement, because I didn’t realize how many calories I burned from weight training - it's more than you'd think! The app kept me accountable, and honest with myself.


By the end of 2019, I went on a big adventure to New Zealand and Australia. During this time I did a lot of hiking, and physical activities. I noticed that I was never sore, or felt overly exhausted – my recovery time was astounding, and I definitely would not have felt this way earlier in the year. I am so happy I took the time to invest into my overall strength, it has really paid off!



Please note that content published here is written by Fitbit Community members and does not reflect any opinions or official positions of Fitbit. The Community Blog entries  are published as submitted and are not edited for grammatical or other accuracy. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.
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Only operated on 4 bypass a doubele with stens a Man  65yrs old  3 days a   to 9 hours week   fitness  Beter condition  Succeeds  school Antyme  Netherlands 

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I just re-started weight training in October, 2019 (after 4 years of injuries & illness). Following a similar path as yours I am seeing good results while working at home with limited equipment (a water-filled plastic milk jug makes an adequate 7 lb. kettleball, haha).
There's so many activities around the house that we do without thought, but can be turned into part of an exercise routine.


Also what brand shoes are shown in your "frontispiece"?  They look interesting.


Thanks for the inspiration

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Het is moeilijker als je  ouder wordt en dat is zo maar , als je ook ziekte krijgt nog vervelend  en lastig.!

Ik zelf  ben 65 jaar heb  2 x hartinfarct gehad  4 bypass plus 3 stens  vroeger veel gesport  nu ga naar  sportschool om weer  beetje fitter wordt 

 3 x week  a  2-3  Helaas corona virus -19  alles dicht  wel begrijpelijk in heel E.U meer  150000 doden 

Laat  hopen dat meer mensen worden gered ,dan dood gaan van dit  virus cod-19 

Veel geluk met  U vooruitgang of uitzicht met U  sport of fitness. 

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Nice one put in work


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Good job, man. I got a Fitbit for help with weight loss. In the last two weeks, I’ve only lost 3 ounces. Maybe I should insist for more days and add some strength training in my WOD.

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