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Desk sitting

I sit all day at a desk, if I leave for lunch someone is always looking for me.  What can I do inside an office for exercise.  Sometimes literally hours pass before I get up.

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Getting up early before work
Is when I get my 10000 in
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It is 5:00 a.m. in Michigan - 5:11 a.m. to be exact - getting ready to get some stepping in before the desk job ! Here is yesterday's 10,000 before work - let's go early birds !  Anyone work out before work? Fitbit photo.PNG

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This morning's stats - having problems with the Fitbit One active minutes - before my desk job !Fitbit One photo.PNG

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Started out at 6:15 a.m. this morning before the desk job !  Happy stepping day all ! 65photo.PNG

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How do you keep track of standing?
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You don't it tracks walking

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I set a timer on my Fitbit to remind me to get up every 1 or 2 hours so that when it starts buzzing i get up and walk around or up and down the stairs. i always find a reason to go talk to one of my co-workers rather than emial or call on the phone!

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I get up and walk a mile up to two around my office. We are in a shopping center that has inclines and declines. If it's too hot or too cold, I get up every hour or I try to get steps in after work. You can also try walking indoors if your building is big enough. I used to work in a 3 story call center. On my 15 minute breaks I'd walk all 3 levels and then walk after eating lunch. I'd usuall get 5.5 miles a day just doing that alone. The best way to combat people needing you for something during your personal time is to say no. You have to have your personal time.

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My work allows me two breaks a day so I walk 15 minutes at 10 am and 3 pm.  I use my lunch hour to go to the gym.  I also take a walk hike with the dogs in the evening.  I am a programmer so otherwise I am sitting in front of a monitor all day.  Sit or standing desk?  I am interested in the desk that allow you to slowly walk on a treadmill all only goes to speeds upto 1.5 mph but it is movement.  Has anyone used one of these?

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I think I too will download the Fitbolt. It sounds amazing.  I too have an office job that my lunch is eaten at my desk.  I work upstairs so I do try and walk up and down the stairs as much as I can.  I will deliberately print to the printer that is downstairs just so I have to walk down and back up the stairs to get it

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My coworker and I decided to get up once an hour on the half-hour and walk for 10 minutes to fast music at our desks. Got to my 10,000 steps by 2:30 today!
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Oh thats awesome! And a great idea.
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We run up and down the three floors instead of taking the elevators
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10000 before work
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Friday, July 11, 2014 - Steps before desk job !  

@SusieTee wrote:

I sit all day at a desk, if I leave for lunch someone is always looking for me.  What can I do inside an office for exercise.  Sometimes literally hours pass before I get up.

Friday photo.JPG

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Rock n roll people - have been walking for a charity now with my stepping - love it !  I get up and run between the floors instead of the elevators - go to bathroom on another floor - go pick up the checks in person rather than wait for interoffice - walking on lunch even if it's 3,000 to 5,000 !  Park far away !  

@SusieTee wrote:

I sit all day at a desk, if I leave for lunch someone is always looking for me.  What can I do inside an office for exercise.  Sometimes literally hours pass before I get up.


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About two weeks ago I added a standing workstation to my studio. It was fairly easy. I already have a table in there that is about counter height. I just set one of those aerobic steps on top when I'm doing computer work. The table itself is huge and the step is even big enough for my laptop, mouse, and paperwork.


I've added between 2000 to 3000 steps a day by doing this. If I didn't do this, I'd be spending most of my day sitting on my butt. I work from home and a good part of my work is at the computer.


Since doing this I've discovered that I don't get distracted with other things while on the computer, I do what I need to do and get off. When I'm busy with a project, I find myself moving around a lot more during the proecess.

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I work at a front desk at a hotel so when it is slow I walk in place or pace back and forth by the desk. I have a adding machine at the desk and will add every 100 steps I do so I can keep track how many steps I take while at work (since my fitbit is set to calculate calories and I can't upload until I get home to find out my steps!) I always try to rememeber to stand when I am talk to a guest or I am on the phone. If I get tired I will let myself sit down and relax but try to relax no more than 10-15 minutes before I start walking again.

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Walking/jogging before desk job:  here are the stats - it can be done - you just have to rise early and get those steps !2000010448773_4432709192772_1301591289001648252_n.jpg

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It is funny when I first got my fitbit I wondered how I would do it, it suprised me because I am a very active person, but if you workout in the morning depending on what you do it does not count as steps. It made me more aware that just working out although great we need to continue to be moving after that...........I easliy get 10,000 steps now and at times get 15000.

keep moving.
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