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Diabetes 2

About 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with Diabetes 2.  I had a lot of stress in my life, which is now under control.  It played havoc with my health and created a challenge for me now.  I am trying to lose about 60 pounds and now have the health to do it.


I am posting this to assist any others out there with my condition who may be suffering from neuropathy (nerve pain in their extremities...particularly the feet) which may be crippling your progress using the fitbit or just achieving regular exercise without excruciating pain.


Here is what works for me:


1.  I found that it took about six weeks for my (bluebonnet) Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium supplement to "kick in" and become effective.  If you are suffering with pain as I was, I encourage you to give this supplement a try and stick with it for at least six weeks.


2.  Hydration, hydration, hydration.....I am perpetually dehydrated and work hard to keep this up.  Fitbit is OUTSTANDING in reminding me to walk.  I wish I could get it to remind me to drink.  Instead, I use the "move" reminder for both.  I encourage you to try this as well.


3.  LOVE the relaxation area.  I am using it daily and it too is helping.


Best of luck to everyone trying to improve their health and their lives.  Feel free to post here with any supports which have helped you in combating the diabetes 2 challenges.



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Hi LissaC123

I also have type 2 Diabetes and am struggling lately with keeping my Blood Glucose under control. I also have neuropathy due to a back injury originally, now from the diabetes. I get the pain, and burning in my feet and it keeps me from getting a good nights sleep. It also keeps me from being as active as I know I should be. I've gained back almost 18lbs in the last 2 hrs. It slowly creeps up and much harder to lose now. I'm 68 and metabolism isn't what it should be. But want to get Blood glucose under control and lose weight so I get the most out of life.  I was reading your info above and am going to try the Blue Bonnet supplement (is that tablet or liquid, I've seen both and used the liquid in the past)... But,  #3 the Relaxation area... what is that? Is that somewhere on Fitbit or is that somewhere else I can check on. That is one of the hardest things for me to do is completely relax, get rid of the underlying stress, and difficulty falling asleep at night.


I would love to hear back from you. I see you posted this at the 1st of the year and hope that you will respond. Talking to someone who has had the same issues, opens us up to try new things, that I haven't yet. such as the 3 points you mentioned above.


Not sure if I need to come back to this thread to see if you've responded or not,  since I'm not familiar with discussion groups, or how to keep in touch with someone.


Please let me know if you can, how to keep in touch and also how to find out info on  the Relaxation area you mentioned. Would love to know how you turned your Diabetes 2 around from having the high blood glucose reading to within normal range (if they are now). I've tried so much and would really like to talk to someone who has been through it as well.


Hope to hear back from you.

Health and Blessings


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Good afternoon!
I'm getting ready to walk again.  In response to your questions, the "relaxation area" is a place on my fitbit.  It tells me to "breathe slowly" for two minutes.  I have found that this helps me a lot when I'm feeling anxious.  My weight is also much higher than it should be, so I hear you on that one.  I am not a fan of taking medication if I don't need it and went online to research the neuropathy.  At one point, I could hardly walk due to the pain.  I would stand and after about ten minutes of extreme pain, I was able to walk a bit.  I need to walk as it is currently my primary way of getting healthier and losing weight.  Anyway, I found that taking a supplement of potassium and magnesium might benefit me.  I use Bluebonnet tablets (two in the morning and two at night, per the directions) which also contains calcium (something an old lady like me needs anyway) as I have found that it really does matter which supplement company you choose.  They are not all alike.  This just happens to be the one I use, but if you know of another good one that you prefer, use that one.  I have been on this regime for about 9 months now and have had no return of foot pain (woo hoo!).  It seemed like a miracle to me.  
My weight has not gone down as fast as I would have liked, but then it has been very hard to balance my glucose too.  I hear you on that one.  I was "crashing" most every afternoon and had to carry extra glucose in case.....My doctor suggested that perhaps I needed to reduce my glyptizide and so I did and VOILA!  I have SO MUCH ENERGY now!  I am walking much faster and longer.  So, keep at it and talk with your doctor.  Perhaps your medication needs another adjustment.  
Anyway, BE ENCOURAGED!  God never shuts a door, but he opens a window.  Everything happens for a reason.  Instead of seeing this condition as a curse, try to look upon it as an opportunity.  Use it to pay attention to yourself, for instance.  I have spent my life paying attention to others with total disregard to my own health and welfare.  This has forced me to take better care of myself SO I CAN take better care of others.  The two go together.  Other good things have come from this as well.  Seek the good and you will find it.  I will pray for you that your condition improves.  Hope this helps.
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