07-17-2021 19:00 - edited 07-17-2021 19:02
07-17-2021 19:00 - edited 07-17-2021 19:02
Hey Gang,
I was out for a nice easy (as in real slow) 7-Mile run on Monday, 6.8 miles into it I was running past a neighbor's home and their two very large dogs (totaling 320 pounds between the two of them) charged from their back yard and out into the street; I faced off with the one acting the most aggressive when the other circled and attacked me from behind. I remember getting bit and ending up on the street; I remember the owner of the dogs asking if I wanted to go to the hospital, but I didn't think I was all that hurt and asked her to drive me home.
The next thing I remember was about 30 hours later waking up in an ICU after being put into a medically induced coma, I was restrained, I had needles, probes, and electrodes inserted and attached all over and tubes coming out of many of my orifices, I was blind, and because of the intubation, I couldn't talk, but I was madder than a hornet. The hospital staff asked my wife if I had psychological or emotional issues and she explained to them I didn't like being restrained and I'd suffered a significant amount of abuse as a child; the doctor in charge immediately had all of the restraints and tubing removed and I calmed down.
I finally regained full consciousness a few hours later and learned how badly I'd been injured; I'd been bitten in several places in my abdomen and really badly behind my right knee and upper calf, and apparently I'd been knocked over so hard my head bounced off the pavement causing a severe concussion. This is some serious stuff which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, so for those of y'all out there who run, I'm strongly recommending you start carrying pepper spray, if I ever get cleared to run again I certainly will be carrying that stuff.
07-18-2021 05:10
07-18-2021 05:10
I carry pepper spray whenever I am out walking my dog for the same reason. Irresponsible pet owners who while their loose dog is barreling at my leashed dog is yelling " It's OK, He' friendly". Sorry for what happened to you and I hope the dog owner was fined and had to pay your bills.
07-19-2021 19:07
07-20-2021 00:31 - edited 07-20-2021 00:32
07-20-2021 00:31 - edited 07-20-2021 00:32
@shipo reading your stories I'm starting to think you are some kind of magnet for bad things waiting to happen 😄 Good for you that you're always trying to bounce back 🙂 In the UK, I haven't had many issues with dogs and usually, it's me that has to be careful not to injury somebody's pet. Lots of dogs, especially puppies, take it as an invite to play when seeing somebody running. I'm always cautious but so far I was lucky that all the owners I met were responsible dog owners. If I see an unknown dog from the distance I try to judge a) looking at the owner and b) looking at the dog whether I should slightly adjust my route. So far, the worst scare I had was caused by a barking dog... in my headphones, 😄 I was listening to the podcast in which suddenly a dog barked.
07-20-2021 10:40
07-20-2021 10:40
I hope you feel much better soon, @shipo. Thank you for sharing your story.
For some reason, this scenario has been in the back of my mind for a while now, when I'm taking my dog for a walk. I'm so afraid my dog will get attacked 😥 (or myself) , cause I've seen on the news this tends to happen.
Since the other dog's owners are not always around, a pepper spray can be life saving.
07-25-2021 15:15
07-25-2021 15:15
Wow, sorry to hear that. Hope you're feeling much better by now. I always carry spray. There's a house on one of my routes that a dog is always charging out in the road snarling at me before the owner calls it back. Becoming annoyed with this, one time I pulled out my spray and started shaking it up while yelling over to the owner "Don't worry, it shouldn't kill it.". Ever since then, the dog has been on a leash attached to the house. 😁
07-29-2021 14:44
08-01-2021 10:10
08-01-2021 10:10
wow @shipo that is some experience. As a fierce dog lover and protector, I can't imagine what the owners have trained those dogs to do and why. Those people should be held responsible for what happened to you, but I know the dogs will end up paying the price for bad ownership. I am so sorry you are going through another life changing event- good thoughts and vibes for a speedy recovery both physically and emotionally.
Elena | Pennsylvania
08-01-2021 13:45
08-01-2021 13:45
Thanks @emili, oddly enough, I don't really hold any grudges against either the dogs or their owners. I had a long meeting with our town's Animal Control folks and they explained to me both the history of the dogs on this property as well as their theory as to why the dogs became aggressive. Long story short, for decades now the owners have kept at least two very large dogs, typically between 150 and 180 pounds, and have kept them age staggered so when one dies, the second is mid-life, and then in comes a new puppy. Per Animal Control, there was an aggressive dog on that property back in the 1990s, and ever since then each successive generation of dog has picked up the aggressive traits from the previous generation.
What makes the recent situation so unexpected is the dogs had been kept in check by an invisible fence, and so nobody was the wiser; unfortunately they had a new in ground pool put in and lots of landscaping, and the construction company tore out the invisible fence. The dogs apparently figure it out and there I was, cannon fodder as I was running by their house.
As for my recovery, I'm getting there; the head trauma has eased to the point where I'm now a week without pain killers (I still have an occasional minor headache, but that's about it), my abdominal pain is almost gone, with just a few sensitive areas, and my leg, while greatly improved, still has an open wound, a hematoma about a half-inch thick and two inches in diameter, and a low-grade infection (I started my third course of antibiotics yesterday). Hopefully my neurologist and surgeon both clear me in the next few weeks to start exercising again, it really sucks to go from running 40+ miles per week to literally zero. 😛
08-01-2021 16:31
08-01-2021 16:31
Sorry to hear that @shipo. I always carry pepper spray (legal where I live) when I walk my dogs or go for runs. Not only as protection from dogs but also from humans.
I love dogs, but unfortunately there are a lot of irresponsible dog owners and also accidents happen (dog gets out).
08-03-2021 16:49
08-13-2021 18:51
08-13-2021 18:51
A quick update...
Making progress:
I'll be seeing my neurologist next week, and once he and my surgeon give me the okay, I'm going to start some light jogging. Yeah, my plans for a very hilly and challenging 10-mile race at the end of August have definitely been cancelled, but with any luck, I'll be able to run it next year when I'll age up into the 65 to 69 year old age group. 🙂
08-17-2021 12:29
08-17-2021 12:29
One more quick update...
I met with my neurologist today and he strongly encouraged me to start running again effective immediately. Why? Recent peer reviewed studies conclusively prove running, especially on wooded trails (where I do 90% of my running), is one of the very best recovery therapies for a concussion. I'll be heading out for my first run in just over 5-weeks in an hour; I can't wait!
08-20-2021 09:04
08-20-2021 09:04
That is good news from your neurologist @shipo. I'm guessing the route for your first run in five weeks was in a different area then the one before that 😀
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
08-20-2021 12:42
08-20-2021 12:42
LOL, no, I ran right past the place where I was attacked; our town made the family put the dog down, so I should be safe from here on in. 🙂
08-22-2021 04:54
08-22-2021 04:54
@shipo I'm so glad to hear you are back and running! And you are a brave soul to run past the same house where you were attacked. Even knowing the dog was put down, I'd still have a hard time running by the scene of the crime again. You are very inspirational!