07-08-2015 13:03
07-08-2015 13:03
Gorgeous weather out, finished 20 laps, Fitbit Surge battery died 😞 forgot to charge it. Now home charging and going for another 40 laps tonight. (need to catch up to the leader in our challenge, who is at 80k steps for the week already).
07-08-2015 13:47
07-08-2015 13:47
Not as inspiring here in Lancashire - it keeps raining and I keep getting soaked!
07-08-2015 14:55
07-08-2015 14:55
That's England for ya 🙂
I am in Canada, our issue is weather can be +40C with humidity one day, then +11C the next day lol
07-08-2015 16:26
07-08-2015 16:26
Lean M
Holy cow what extreme weather in our northern neighbor. Sound like many days you need an indoor place to work out.
07-08-2015 18:26
07-08-2015 18:26
Weather has been crap in Chicago, too. 60sF and rainy. More like April than July.
07-08-2015 18:40
07-08-2015 18:40
More than 100F and monsoon season here in Vegas.
I'm sticking to the treadmill at the air conditioned gym for a couple of months.
07-09-2015 10:32
07-09-2015 10:32
I love Englad, hope to make it back one day.
Late last year, I did a lot of training in England for my first half marathon on February. England and SF have similar gloomy weather, and I had a great time while I was there.
07-09-2015 10:37 - edited 07-09-2015 10:38
07-09-2015 10:37 - edited 07-09-2015 10:38
LOVE the gloomy stuff!
Last weekend, I had Friday off for Independence Day (since it fell on a weekend) and I was thrilled to see clouds over my house and drizzle off in the distance, early in the morning before it got crazy hot. I didn't get a drop of actual rain, but I kept hoping!
07-17-2015 04:50
07-17-2015 04:50
Ah, the gloomy weather is the best!! I'm in Texas and our high temp yesterday was 107... it's been close to that most days this month.
07-21-2015 11:47
07-21-2015 11:47
Im in Michigan and the weather is beautiful currently.
Did 3.3 miles at lunch and it felt great