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How dedicated are you to losing weight?

cut grass today with new self propelled mower we bought at Sears on Saturday night.  We gave our tractor mower to our daughter and son in law because they have a much bigger yard to maintain.  This is an AWD ez- walk behind mower so it allows me to get the walking exercise that I need to maintain my weight loss.  I am down to 289.8 lbs from 313 I started at 5 weeks ago.  Just losing that much weight has been a life changer.  I walked 4875 steps to cut the grass and it took about 2 hours with  breaks in between. 


Moderator Edit: Excess punctuation

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Bob 1944,


Kudos on starting out losing weight.  Back when I had a big yard, I had an electric mower that gave me great pride in mowing the lawn and the physical exercise it took to push it.


How dedicated am I?  I started out on Nov 1 2013 weighing 300 lbs.  I slowly started ramping up walking distances and speed to about 7 miles per day on cross country trails at about 3.5 mph.  Around 2-3 hours a day doing that.  I'm now down to 176 lbs and am 6 away from my initial target goal of 170.


I've also lived religiously with a nutrition plan my nutritionist help me set up.  Taking in around 1,200 calories a day and burning about 2,700-3,000 a day.  I didn't do that from day one.  Heck, I couldn't even walk 1/2 mile to the neighborhood mail boxes without having to stop and catch my breath!!


I track this all using spread sheets and using FitBit and TomTom recording of my activity.  It's been a long hard nine months, so far.  Guess you could call me OCD....but, it's working.


Once again, Bob...keep up the great work, don't give up, and don't give in to "mind games" you brain and body might play with you to just sleep in on Saturday or it's okay to have that one more piece of BBQ rib....


Lew Wagner
Author of Losing It - My Weight Loss Odyssey
Do or do not, there is no try - Yoda
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So so impressed with your weight loss!  Gives me inspiration!!

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Congratualations on the weight loss!


I am very dedicated.  I started in the last week of January and I have lost 49 pounds....I still need to lose about 50 more.   I have "plateaued" 3 times but I have not given up.  I have increased water and steps to help out. I think the hardest part of losing is working hard and not seeing any results on the scale and, if you overcome the plateau, you are dedicated.  

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so very very true, tks for the tips
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I started in April.  I got the fitbit after learning that I was pre-diabetic and had the beginnings of a fatty-liver problem (oh yeah and 3 high B/P medications).  Since April I have lost 40 Lbs. I have another 25 or so to go.  It was really tough at first but replacing bad habits with good habits has gotten easier over time.  The payoff is that I feel so much better.  Everyone posting here is really encouraging to me.  Thanks

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My supreme dedication started out with a desire to practice Parkour (for those who don't know what that is, check it out on youtube). I knew that I needed to lose some weight. I couldn't run very well and my friends generally outran me. I've grown up in a household where my 3 family members are, and pretty much always have been, overweight. I started out at 172 and am now at a solid 140. Gotta keep the train going though. I won't make a Parkour superstar without some serious drive to improve my skills and abilities.

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Congrats on your success so far! Keep it up 🙂

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Are you still using your fitbit and how much weight have you lost?

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Thanks for sharing I working on losing over 100 pounds.

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