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Indoors vs outdoors exercises

Hi everyone, hope you are doing great! Who would like to share their experience about this topic? Do you guys like to workout at home or do you prefer going to a nice walk or run around your neighborhood?


Looking forward to your points of view about each option! 😀

JuanJo | Community Moderator

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Outside weather permitting is my favorite. Unfortunately this time of year, I'm often stuck on the exercise bike or elliptical. 

Marci | Bellevue, WA
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It depends. I have a turbo trainer and use it only to add a low aerobic activity (mostly recovery) because it's easier to control HR and power riding indoor than outdoor. I have a treadmill but I just hate it (use it only, if for some reason I have to). I prefer to run long distances outdoor regardless of the weather. In the garden, I have a standalone MoonBoard. That's pretty much it. All cardio activities indoor are so painfully boring. I can run 2-3 hours outdoor but indoor after 10 minutes I'm just so bored I want to stop. I tried to include some gamification like Zwift or BKool and it was alright for a couple of days. Despite gamification, such indoor cycling was also boring and eventually, I cancelled my subscriptions. I don't like to train at home with the exception of MoonBoard - I can spend several hours on it because it's fun (and the backyard garden doesn't necessarily count as indoor 😉 ).

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That's interesting guys! I love reading your points of view since it's great how we can figure out how to workout according to our needs.


I also prefer outdoors workouts since I think air fresh helps to keep a healthy breath pace. Well this is me, but when curfew started in my location, I had to adapt to workout at home. Luckily curfew it's over but I avoid going to crowded places even though people respect distance.

JuanJo | Community Moderator

Running with music makes you happy! Share Your Story

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I am "outdoors only", errr, sort of.  My lifestyle includes two basic types of exercise, running, outside exclusively, and taking car of a bunch of horses and pitching a ton (literally) of manure per week, which of course is "semi-outside" as that activity takes place in an unheated barn.


The only time of year where I really am challenged to run outside is, dare I say it, March.  Why?  One word; ICE.  I ran my favorite snowmobile trail yesterday and while the first and last 1.5 mile segments were relatively ice free, the stretch of the trail from the 1.5 to the 4.5 mile mark was coated in ice, sometimes smooth and glassy, other times rough and ridged with unpredictable footing.


Oddly enough, one of my favorite times to run is mid-winter when it is really cold outside; the snowmobile trails are usually nicely groomed which makes an almost ideal surface to run on, and I often get bragging rights of being able to run "more miles than degrees on the thermometer".  😋

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I prefer to exercise outdoors, but I live in a place with very harsh winters that last more than half the year. That forces me to exercise indoors a lot of the time. 


When our health club closed last March, I started trail running, even though there was still a lot of snow and ice on the ground. In October, I bought a stationary bike, because I knew that I wouldn't want to run outdoors all winter. I turned my guest bedroom into a home gym and I really like it. It's so convenient and I enjoy not having to deal with the crowds at the gym. I still enjoy getting outside when I can though. 

Community Council Member

Amanda | Wyoming, USA
Pixel Watch 2, Inspire 3, Sense | Android

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Almost all my aerobic exercise (biking, walk/run, hike, unicycle) is outside.  But I still like weights 4x a week.  That's mostly at home with a bench in the basement and some nested dumbbells, plus bands, pull-up bar, and some other odd stuff, and two trips a week to the gym to use the squat rack.

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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I used to do all my running outside.Didn't matter the weather..Other than freezing rain, icy sidewalks....I'd be out there just about every evening of the week. Now, after 40 plus years of pounding the sidealks and making my knees mad at me, I am now strictly a treadmill and/ or Eliptical user, with a stationary bike use at times. Also, my Wife and I go on long walks, weather permitting. 


Miss those great long evening runs, though.....Solved a lot of work related problems and it was great for the soul....... 

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The other day it was bitterly cold outside, so I decided to walk the loop of our office building. The building was empty, and it I got in a lot of steps. I mix it up now with inside and out. Unfortunately, the office is largely empty due to Covid-19. I am a Director, and have to go in a few days a week. We also do mall walks since there are a few large malls in our area. We have a lot of parks too, so as the weather continues to improve I expect we will be outdoors more.

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Hi there. I prefer exercising outdoors. With Covid-19 and home office I go to the top floor of my building and walk outdoors and indoors at the same time. 


I like the view: 



Have a nice day and happy stepping! 😀

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I have a frend who trains even in the rain at the stadium. I can't. In warm weather I run in the stadium, ride my bike, and still go to the gym. Now I train at home because the weather is terrible.

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My favorite way to exercise is out on my bike, especially on the dirt pump track or a BMX track. I can't shred like I used to but am glad that I'm in my 40's and not afraid to try to catch some air! Riding on the tracks is so much fun and my family worries less (I hope) when I'm at the city park rather than out on a trail halfway up a mountain, LOL. 


I'm a wimp when it comes to the cold, and we are still getting snow pretty frequently here so I'm stuck inside for now, boohoo. I'm trying out the different free workouts on the Fitbit app and YouTube channel. I have a decent collection of gear building up, and I'm trying to be better about using it. I've gathered a mini trampoline, full yoga set, exercise ball, and small step stool. Figuring out a solid workout routine is turning out to be a bit of a challenge but also kind of fun! 


Hopefully by the time the summer heat kicks in, I will be able to start going to the gym again. I actually love using the machines as long as there's a great audio workout going to encourage me! I've also thought about getting a trainer to put my road bike on.

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Thanks for sharing what you do with us @davidg92 and @carakitty.


There must be still really snowy where you live @davidg92. When weather gets warmer you will be able to run in the stadium.


@carakitty, you got a lot of stuff to have fun indoors. 😁 Audio workouts help a lot. 


See you around. 

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