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Knee pain

So I've had my fitbit for less than a week, and managed to go for a run or a walk (very minimum 3KM.. 1.86mile *I think*) and I've been painfully reminded that I have bad knees. I can usually run or walk for a few days before it kicks in, and I can still jog slowly but it does hurt a day after. 


I haven't injured myself before, and I believe it's just genetics, but does anyone else have bad knees, or bad joints ? I'm getting myself some straps today hopefully it helps.

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Get yourself some shoes that are professionally fitted.  It makes a huge difference.

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Yeah i definitely will be getting a new pair. The ones I had were good initially but I need some that will support me. I've put some deep heat on and just went for a lighter jog today. Hopefully a decent pair don't set me back too much

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Just be careful!  Always remember to ease in to doing more activity so you don't end up injuring yourself.  You may consider doing more miles walking to build up some endurance before you do jogging or running again at a shorter interval.  For me, I had to do a lot of walking to lose weight before I could consider running because I would have hurt myself and my knees and feet would even complain at me for walking.  If it hurts, don't do it!  Stay safe!

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I experienced patellar tendonitis when I first started jogging. The onset would be in the evening of the jog and would usually resolve in 24-36 hours. It was so bad, I walked like a zombie. This occurs when your quads aren't strong enough to support your patellar/kneee tendons. I perservered and suddenly after about 2 weeks, as my quads and supporting structures strengthened,  it was gone and I've never had the knee pain agian. 

Of course, this is just my experience and if you're in pain, should discuss it with your doctor or PT.  The key to my perserverence was knowing that it improved with rest.


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Well I walk quite a bit anyway, so it was just the addition of running. Which I haven't done in a while..

But I bought a new pair of asics today, and they are MUCH MUCH better. My legs are nowhere near are sore, and I can walk properly, without limping. 


But I have stopped running so hard, I tend to push myself hard. But I'll slow it down for a while. The combination I think has done me good 🙂


Thanks for the replies guys 

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There comes a time when many people have to give up jogging. Even slow jogging is higher impact than walking and can cause problems. Yes, it takes longer to get the steps walking, but maybe not if a person is often sidelined from jogging due to pain.


If a joint or tendon hurts the day after, I consider that a warning sign to reduce exercise. These things can become serious and chronic. 


I have mildly bad knees and when they start to act up, I reduce the mileage or take a day off. I've never tried any braces or anything. I suppose each situation is different.


Progressing from sedentary to active can take a long time. It's all a journey and everyone is on their own journey. 

Any excess weight can contribute to problems. If possible, I'd recommend getting into the normal range for your height. This can also take a long time.


Good luck on your journey,



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Had exactly the same problem. Got a bit overly excited by my Fitbit and started really, really pushing myself with constant walking as well as a decent length run every day. Considering that I reckon I was probably struggling to hit 4000 steps a day pre-Fitbit and I was then hitting 20k frequently I'm not surprised I ended up injuring myself! I took a week off where I had to try and turn a blind eye to my Fitbit to keep me getting too twitchy about missing targets and have then slowly and sensibly built up again since. It's a marathon, not a sprint and it's much better hitting realistic goals to begin with than hurting yourself and having to take a break! Smiley Happy

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I have the same issue, as much as it sucks you may want to give up running. Walking, biking, and swimming are all good ways to exercise without hurting your joints. My knees give me issue too (actually had another thread about it) and weight training combined with stretching have alleviated the daily pain completely (I cannot express enough the importance if stretching every day) but any attempts at running or jogging hurt. Even with new running shoes, and on a treadmill for short spans of time (like 2 minutes) is enough to hurt. My knees still feel stiff and they crackle every time I move them, but the pain is gone otherwise.
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So I have been to the doctor since OP as I tripped on a rock and I rolled my ankle

It has been advised to get an xray and ultra sound to check cartillage (sp?)

and after not walking for a few days (except around the house lightly and to and from train station) my ankles were the size of a house and my knee pain is still there.


So tomorrow Im getting an xray/ultrasound. 

Have got my legs and ankles wrapped up in compression bands and have been icing them


😞 I ACTUALLY hate this. I knew I should have stopped, when my knee hurt a little but apparently reducing was not enough. I feel like I could cry, but I can't walk to the shop to get tissues Man Sad


I have only myself to blame.


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I'm sorry to hear about your injury!  Best wishes that your xray/ultrasound will go well and have a speedy recovery.

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Be careful on the knees. If you feel pain, I would slow down or stop. I have had knee surgery and am trying to avoid it again at all costs. Generally, running straight is not hard on the knees, but when running outside a twist or turn pulls at those precious ligaments. I would suggest strengthening muscles around your knees. This will help prevent against an injury. There are a ton of excercises, but extensions and curls are two of the primary ones to consider adding. I wish you the best of luck.

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Thanks for this message, all be it a while ago I read it today. Had knee pain during my first few days and have been overdoing it.


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I suffered a bad bad knee injury a few years ago.I broke my knee cap and shattered to pieces. After my injury I did get back to running/walking eventually. Every now and then I would get pain in that knee. I actually did strengthing exercies to help my knee get better. It helped. I rarely get pain any more ((knock on wood)). You could do the same. I'll post some exercies you can do that might help. Also---you might want to consider switching shoes to a different brand. Try HOKA brand. I have two good friends that love running. One has had a bad knees and have used Hoka. That is the only way she can run is by wearing Hoka's. They have much more support. My other friend has had foot issues,then used Hoka's and he can run now.


For the knee extension one, with the knee/leg that is bothering you use that one. Move the leg up and down slightly while sitting just as shown in picture. have that leg straight and sit up straight. You can also view some youtube videos on how to do these exercises if anyone comes up that you aren't sure. 




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