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Let's talk about what is working...

I am trying to lose some body fat as well as weight (as I perceive it on the scale) to get to where I feel most comfortable.  Once my weight begins to drop a bit I will add in strength training to build muscle and not have my body feed off of my existing muscle (such as it is).


What I am finding that works for me is:

1) keeping a food log.  This is a must for me.  I can easily see and adjust my daily routines/habits and ensure that I eat enough protein to keep my muscle.  


2)  cardio.  Not too much cardio where I burn muscle, but enough to raise my metabolism and to create that ever sought after "deficit" in my daily calorie equation.  For me this means roughly 40 minutes of swimming or using the elliptical at a rate of speed where I feel like I'm working it but I'm not completely pushing it.


3) eating clean.  Mostly.  I used to drink wine almost daily.  Now I have one or two glasses of wine once or twice a week.  I don't eat candy, chips, sweets.  I don't eat things that come in a package 95% of the time. The exceptions that I make are choices with natural ingredients that I know what they are and that I can pronounce them.


4) drink lots of water.  Lots.


5) stretch or move.  When you are watching t.v. or doing chores, work it.  Stretch it.  Simply move.


What works for you?  

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this challenge group works for me.


TEXAS FITBIT monthly slimdown challenge. 
Community going hard at it for 1 month each to lose 4-6 lbs together.  That works for me, because there's accountability set in with the motivations you get from your team support.
Different challenge each week until you lose that lbs.  Log and visual support provided through facebook if you have social media power.  Proven because we keep weight logs throughout the journey for each one.  More than 70+ have joined to seek weight loss of 4-6 lbs each month and just keeping up with them have helped me lose 4 lbs every time.  love it
If you like meeting new friends and starting new challenge each month to set a goal and crush them at the end, join our TEXAS FITBIT community and sign up for our monthly slimdown challenge!
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It was my first day with my Flex and I made my 10,000 steps!  I find that using the food log was interesting.  I didn't realize how much I feel accountable now with logging everything.  Its not as easy to cheat with that brownie when you know you have to account for it later. My goal is to get rid of my belly and at 48 that doesn't seem to be an easy thing to do even with doing Jillian Michaels videos daily. 

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I have been making sure that I watch portions. I use small containers that I got at Daiso here in California. They hold 1/2-1 cup of food. I eat more protein than carbs. I watch out for some foods and adjust when I feel that I'm eating too many carbs. Try not to eat late, but if I do, it's like a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese or a small piece of fruit. I drink lots of water - 64 -120 oz/day. I get 2 10 min. power walks in to my job to and from the train station. I do Shaun T's Hard Core Ab workout and alternate with his dance videos. I also do some Zumba and I am doing band resistance workouts with my arms. I walk my dogs 2-3 times a day when I am home before and after work and when I am off.

I try to keep moving when awake. I get about 18,000 steps/day in the job I work in and about 11-14 sets of stairs/day. I am burning an average of 2500 calories/day and only taking in no more than 1400/day. So I have a deficit. On my cheat day, if I have done some light exercise or I am in a work training, I lower my intake of calories. I still burn about 1800-2000. I have lost 19.7 lbs. I went from 204 to 186.4 today.

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@Tamz wrote:

My goal is to get rid of my belly and at 48 that doesn't seem to be an easy thing to do even with doing Jillian Michaels videos daily. 

Jillian won't get you rid of your belly, no matter how you meet her everyday. What will work is eating less than you burn. The benefit of exercising is it allows you to eat more while still being in a deficit. As you found out logging food, what's very easy (at all age) is overeating.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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It also depends where the body prefers to store / use body fat first for / as energy. When loosing body fat, it doesn't mean it instantly comes from the tummy, but a overall decrease from anywhere on the body.


When feeling satisfied, not hungry. Regardless of what the plan says, try honoring and trusting the body that it has all nutritients it needs even when hundreds of calories can be eaten more, its also about the quality not the quantity.


Eating nutritient rich foods first (fruits, vegetables, protein..), it keeps satisfied for longer, eating less (unneeded calories overall which can add up over time stored as 'extra fat').

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Ketogenic diet, staying within 1200 calories per day and working out if i go over, but i try to work out no matter what... just harde if i go over... you get the point lol. Lots of water, stay hydrated, get 10k steps per day if you dont work out, but get that or over that everyday anyway... so basically high fat low carb, gets the weight off quick for me, also the fat.

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