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Need Participants for Online Fitbit Research Study

I'm a graduate student at Loyola University Maryland and I'm seeking Fitbit users to participate in an online research study about Fitbits. The purpose of this qualitative research study is to understand how Fitbit users have integrated the use of the Fitbit into their everyday lives, in an attempt to be healthier.Ten Fitbit users will be interviewed online through email and asked a series of 11 questions about their use of the Fitbit and how or if their lifestyle has changed since they began using the Fitbit. Please friend and message me if interested, so we can exchange emails. You must be between the ages of 18 and 55 to participate. As a fellow Fitbit user, I would greatly appreciate your help!

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Thank you! Please add me as a friend on Fitbit and then message me your email address, so that I can provide you with some more background information and so we can conduct the interview online. 

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