05-19-2018 21:12
05-19-2018 21:12
So I'm new to this part of Fitbit, but thought it would be a good way to keep focused and engaged. My story in a nutshell is that I'm 41, have 3 children (19 & 11 y/o boys and a 9 y/o girl), Assistant manager part-time and go to school full-time (earning Bachelor's degree in Social Work), have a great boyfriend, 2 dogs and a cat with kittens, and 2 pigme goats. Yes, I'm busy.
So I noticed my clothes from last summer were a little tight on me, stepped on the scale, and lo and behold... 188 lbs. Not cool. I'm at my heaviest I've ever been in YEARS! I think the stress from work, school, my father passing, the kids with different things going on, blah blah blah.. just life in general... has gotten to me. And it's time to take back my body, and mind, and get healthier.
I've started walking for 30 minutes every other day and I'm always on my feet at work 3-4 times a week. I've made diet changes, as well. I've already lost a few pounds, but I'm accounting that to water weight. So I'm on a mission.. what's your story???
05-21-2018 06:16
05-21-2018 06:16
2 pigme goats. I'm so jealous. I hope when we move its to a place where I can have 2 goats.
Sounds like you are on the right path. Just keep plugging away and you will get there. Do keep us posted on your progress!
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum
05-22-2018 04:23
05-22-2018 04:23
I'm sort of new here. I've had my Fitbit One since 2014 and while my activity has never wavered my weight loss has. 160 lbs. was my highest ever and I'm now at 152. I just recommitted today. Looking forward to being back in the Community.
There's lots of support here for "newbies" . I wish you success!!
05-22-2018 04:53 - edited 05-22-2018 04:57
05-22-2018 04:53 - edited 05-22-2018 04:57
@WendyB, Yes, the pigme goats are fun, but a lot of work, at times. They're stepbrothers and the bigger one (Billy) is always bossing the little one around (Bobby). Haha! But they ARE fun!
I think my body has really changed over the past year. Of course, I've had a lot of stressors that have contributed to that, such as my father passing away, going back to school, medical issues with my 11 y/o son, and a bunch of other stuff. This is also me taking back my life so I can be more healthy again.
05-22-2018 04:57
05-22-2018 04:57
@SQUEAKY... I'm right along with you. I was on MyFitnessPal before here, but I really like this community better. Plus, since I got my Fitbit Blaze last year from my son for Christmas, I've been trying to stay committed, but just too much going on at the time to start anything new. But now I'm determined to kick it in high gear, and get these extra pounds off my rear! Hahaha! Good luck to you, and hope to hear from you again!
05-26-2018 08:46
05-26-2018 08:46
I am new too. I accepted a challenge from my doctor to lose 20 pounds in 4 months. With children, boyfriend and animals, you should definitely meet all of your goals. WHEW!! The hardest part for me was all the logging. I've gotten better though. Just stay motivated and keep positive thoughts in your head. We are all here for you. Good luck.