05-15-2015 08:58
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05-15-2015 08:58
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So I have just bought a treadmill and can now **ahem** on it for a few mins at a time and rack up a few hundred steps several times a day, whereas previously I had to try and get the bulk of my steps in one hit (not easy with a busy lifestyle hence the treadmill).
So my questions is this, is it "Better" i.e. more effective to get your steps all in one hit or smaller "batches" or indeed does it make no difference?

05-15-2015 10:02
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05-15-2015 10:02
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I think the answer would be both. It is good to increase your activity in general over the day. There have been a lot of articles in the news about sitting for six hours or more a day being almost as bad as smoking. Many of these articles say that at least every two hours to get up and move for ten or more minutes. So if you work on computer and sit all day then adding in the treadmill serveral times day will help that. If you want to lose weight then you need longer times in the "fat burning" zone on your heart rate to really cause you to lose weight in a time frame that you would be happy with. If you want to be "fiter" then you need to raise your heart rate signifigantly higher than you are probably doing in the little workouts so you increase your cardiovascular health and lower you resting heart rate.
05-15-2015 15:41
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05-15-2015 15:41
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I do both depending on the day and my mood. For awhile, I was just going out for a long walk to get my steps in, but that wasn't every day. Then the weather started getting warmer and now it's been alternating between hot and rainy so I don't have much motivation to go out for a walk and I don't have a treadmill at home. I've been doing more pacing around the house after sitting down for awhile or while waiting for something to cook or even while doing cleaning.
It's been easier for me to hit my step goal more days since I started breaking up my steps over the course of the day rather than relying on one long walk to get my steps in. When I was just doing one long walk in a day, the days that I didn't go out for a walk were much lower in steps. I'm still going out for walks occasionally, but with the weather right now it's been easier to just get my steps over the course of the day.
It all depends on what works best for you.

05-16-2015 10:17
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05-16-2015 10:17
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The true answer is a bit complicated as it depends on what you're eating and how often throughout the day.
If your aim is fat loss, then eating three/four meals a day and either bursts or long hits on the treadmill will have the same effect as you'll remain in a catabloic state.
However, if you want to build muscle once you've stripped some fat, then eating little and often will keep you in an anabolic state whether you treadmill in bursts or long sessions.
In a nutshell, both methods of excercise will work for you, all you need to do is tailor the way you eat to suit your end goal ad you should see the swiftest results.

05-18-2015 05:59
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05-18-2015 05:59
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"More effective" at what
For weight loss, I'd say you would be much better off doing 4x15minute runs throughout the day, than a single 1 hour jog.
But if you want to be an effective 10k runner, well, you need the long slogs.
Charge HR 2
208lbs 01/01/18 - 197.8lbs 24/01/18 - 140lbs 31/12/18

05-18-2015 07:27
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05-18-2015 07:27
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I agree with @DominicJ on this, for weight loss purposes; short runs everyday will add up and give you a higher caloric deficit.
If you wish to go deep into running, you need the long runs too. Hey! With time, that might be a combination of both everyday
05-18-2015 08:56
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05-18-2015 08:56
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Thanks everyone, it is the weight loss I am after, no intentions of going deep into running!
So think I will carry on with the short walks where I can fit them in to keep the daily count up, and try and fit longer ones in as a bonus.
Thanks again, Peter.
05-18-2015 09:12
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05-18-2015 09:12
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I'm in the same boat there, Peter. I bought a treadmill last year. Sits right next to my bed and it's the first thing I see in the morning. And I'm loving it.
When the weather is not-so-great (I'd much rather run outside), I make those my "short running" days. My comfortable pace is about 6mph and I run for just 10 minutes at a time (1 mile). In the beginning, I was running maybe 2 or 3 times a day this way. But forever the self-competitor, I'm trying to push myself to hop on my treadmill now 4 or 5 times a day. I get my steps in quickly and those short bursts don't kill my lungs!
Keep it up! 🙂

05-18-2015 09:44 - edited 05-18-2015 09:47
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05-18-2015 09:44 - edited 05-18-2015 09:47
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It's better if it's set to the heart rate mode and you're dialing it in right while working for the 10,000 steps. But doing treadmill alone won't lose it. There's three aspects to look for. Dieting efficiently, Cardio or Pump Iron, and a Personal Training System.
Diet is most important as long as you're consuming efficiently. Focusing on just eating only the diet plan, staying away from other distractions like going to Starbucks or DD every single morning. Making your own coffee is more affordable than $400 a month on stopping at a pastry store and being on a diet plan that's less than $400 a month and gaining weight which tosses $800 out the window.
Cycling between Cardio and Pump Iron days is important as well. 2 or 3 cardio days and 2 or 3 pump iron days. You can receive a list of exercises online for lifting dumbbells and machine based. Bodybuilding.com is one program that gives you a daily calendar based program for selected machines, weights and repetitions to perform.
Lastly is Personal Training System. You can choose a PT or you can get one that's free online from programs such as Fitstar or a few other programs online. I utilize insanity max 30 myself. Keeping it consistent daily is also important Otherwise you start skipping day by day and your development falls out the window.

05-18-2015 11:33
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05-18-2015 11:33
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I do 3-4 miles a day 45min to an hour 6 days a week on the treadmill at 4.5mph 3 incline. I work in a cubieworld and each break I walk up and down the stairs 10 minutes and on lunch I walk around the area and in 20 minutes I walk 1.5-2miles. Also, don't forget the eat healthier and track those calories. You can walk allday but if you don;t cut your calories it's pointless. FYI I've lost 71lbs so far so it does work.
::You can't outrun your fork ::

06-28-2015 23:13
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06-28-2015 23:13
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I've found multiple short workouts results in more weight lost thant the equivelent amount of time spent in a single session. For me a workout, even 10 mins, ups my metabolism for quite a long time (based on still feeling warm and sweating slightly).

07-01-2015 23:46
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07-01-2015 23:46
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For me it needs to be several small work outs and here's why:
- First of all it's easier to breed consistency through repetition.
- Second if I do miss a workout I missed one seventh of my weekly work out instead of one third or something.

07-03-2015 06:38
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07-03-2015 06:38
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As I've gotten more and more into running I'm realizing how complex it all is. I try to do both in my own exercies - both walking and running. I want to stay generally active throughout the day, but I also want to build my strength and stamina to be able to go farther and longer. Additionally I've wondered if there is value in getting my heart rate up and keeping it there (not pushed to the max but elavated with exercise) for an extended period of time. I've read running books and articles that speak to that but again I'm realizing how complex it is. Personally I'd go for balance between the two.