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Postpartum Activity

Hi everyone! Prior to having a baby (girl, on 8/30/16!) I had always been active (albeit inconsistently). Throughout the past 5 years and at various times, I have enjoyed zumba, biking (both recreationally and for commuting), fitness machines, yoga, C25k (Couch to 5k), and walking, which is my staple! While pregnant, I walked multiple times per week, and hit 10k steps regularly in my 2nd and early 3rd trimester.


Long story short, I had a terrible delivery. My baby is almost 4 months and I am not cleared to exercise beyond walking and yoga and am still taking pain meds and going to physical therapy (I will spare the details). I'm wondering if anyone else has had a rough time of recovering and getting back into fitness/walking/goals from childbirth..? I'm sure there are others! I am struggling because I want to get back into exercising regularly, but am not allowed any moderate-extreme impact exercise. I just got a Charge 2 for Christmas and will be increasing my walking again, but cannot wait to get cleared for C25k again! With months of inactivity, I feel terrible!


Side note: It take me forever to get ready to walk now! I get dressed and ready (phone, keys, etc), get the baby ready (warm clothes, hat, etc), get the dog ready (leash, harness, poo bags, treats), then put the baby in the carrier or stroller and off I go! It takes like 20 minutes to get out of the house for a walk! 



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I feel for you But this would happen no matter what

I get dressed and ready (phone, keys, etc), get the baby ready (warm clothes, hat, etc), get the dog ready (leash, harness, poo bags, treats), then put the baby in the carrier or stroller and off I go! It takes like 20 minutes to get out of the house for a walk! 


You need to listen to DR and do what they say. Please dont push it. It could cause problems.


I have always been active. I just had a hip replacment and it has slowed me down. Kills me. But I want to get better and be back out doing what I use to do.


So please take it easy.

Community Council Member

Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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Thank you for your reply. I am definitely taking it easy, but feeling crummy about myself at the same time. I expected to start slowly at 6 weeks, and go from there. It'd be interesting to hear how other moms with difficult birth experiences got going again. I haven't done any strenuous exercise for a year now! I can't imagine how to get to a good place from here Smiley Frustrated

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I had my little boy in January 2016 and I'm still not very active. I've had a very bad back since I had him and sometimes can barely walk, let alone exercise. I have got a charge 2 for Xmas and will be starting with walking and building that back up before moving back to Zumba and hula hooping. 

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I used to have a Charge HR and just got the Charge 2 for Christmas as well! I used to do Zumba a lot before I moved. I miss it! Good luck!

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I am a mom of 4 and recently had a hysterectomy. It may seem like quite the opposite problem from you but I have a similar issue of not being able to exercise beyond a walk or swimming for 8 weeks. I couldn't stand staying 'down' that long and I hate to be in the cold so I chose water aerobics and lap swim. I don't have the added difficulty of a little one to lug along with me but my gym does have infant care that other women really enjoy (I think many come to work out just to have some time to themselves). Water aerobics may sound super lame but actually I get a really good work out by aqua jogging in plae between exercises. I'm pretty sure I'm working harder than the somewhat older crowd since they still have breath to chat it up--but hey I'm there for the calorie burn! About half my class is youngish like me (30s-40s) and we are usually pretty exhausted by the end of the hour. 


On the mental side of things I catch myself thinking bad thoughts about how little I am doing and how I would be toning up and losing weight faster if I were doing better. Usually these thoughts happen when I am tired. I try to switch them around by reminding myself that everything I do for myself is good. Even if I don't get the sprints in between the water aerobics sets it's still better to be there trying rather than laying on the couch at home. If you make a habit of listing of the good things you've done for yourself you'll actually inspire yourself to do a few more little things to add to your mental list. BTW sleeping counts as good for you!

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I would love to do water aerobics! I am not currently part of a gym, and am going back to work soon, so I'm still trying to figure out how my schedule will settle down... thank you for the suggestion, though! It's definitely something worth looking in to!


The mental part is definitely the hardest thing. I've been getting a lot of walking in, but we're supposed to have snow/rain mix and ice pellets soon. Not ideal for walking with a baby. Ugh! The whole thing is just a big bummer. I just feel so cooped up and miserable about it, but am not willing to compromise and put myself in further pain. Never thought I would look at people jogging and be jealous!!


Stay strong, we got this! It's all temporary, right?

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