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Quality vs Quntity of Workout

Being laid up sick the last few days with the flu hasn't been all bad.  It has gave me time to evaluate many things including my workouts.  I put together good routines but have a tendency to keep adding to them until the quality is effected.  Case in point is lately I have been competing in Fitbit challenges.  Like a lot of people I get wrapped up in the competition and go for the number of steps instead of worrying about correct form,  I understand even low quality exercise is better than wasting your life away in front of a television or computer, but why not get the most out of your efforts.


Walking your way to health:  Walking can be a good way to start out on the road to fitness but not all walking is the same.  Those who just stroll along with their head down and body slumped are loosing out on potential gains.  I also advocate putting up the cell phone so you don't trip or walk into a hazard.  To get the most out of walking a person should step out as briskly as their fitness level will allow.  They should walk proud with their head up and shoulders back utilizing their whole body.  Be aware of your surroundings to minimize walking into a hazard.  As your fitness level improves you can increase your miles, carry weights, and/or add some running.


Weights:  All good workouts should include some form of weight training.  Not only will it increase strength but it will help with weight loss.  But here is where I see the most mistakes made,  Go to any fitness center and you will see individuals working with to much weight and using bad form.  Not only are they robbing themselves of quality workout time, they are putting themselves at risk of injuries.

Although I do a few isolated weight exercises I prefer those that work multiple muscle groups at the same time.  My movements are slow and concentrated.  Rep range is between 10 and 15 meaning if I can't do at least 10 reps with proper form I lower the weight and if I can do more than 15 I add weight.  You should also work all muscle groups, not just your favorites.  If weights are unavailable, there are many good body weight exercises that can be substituted.  


There is a lot more I would like to add but I better finish before this turns into a book.  But I'll finish by saying we all can benefit from stepping back periodically and reevaluating our fitness routines.  

Best Answer

Hi @Ghostrdr Thanks for the great tips!

Marci | Bellevue, WA
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