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Strength Training Program

Hi everyone!

I go to the gym Monday-Friday and have been getting a little tired of my usual workout routine.

I plan what I want to work out and have been spliting my workouts so I target different muscles on different days. 

If anyone wants to share some exercises/programs that they follow, that would be appreciated! 

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It has been many years since I went to the gym... partly because of exactly what you say - it gets boring. I was a world class athlete in my long-ago youth, and needed to be strong. It isn't necessary to do a traditional weight training routine to get strong. You probably would want to do your regular routine some of the time, but you can mix it up. For instance, we used to do a pullup routine: 10 pullups with hands wide on the bar. 10 with hands shoulder width apart, 10 with hands together. Do all of the above twice, once gripping the bar with palms facing you, once with the palms facing away. That's 60 pullups. Then when you get really strong, we'd grip the bar with one hand (say, the right) and then hold onto your right wrist with your left hand, and do 10 pullups, then switch. Do those with palm facing both ways, too. The entire routine is 100 pullups. Takes a long time to work up to doing that many, but boy do they make you strong. And varying the grip and width of your hands works the muscles from different angles.


 We used to ride the bike or run on the treadmill for 5 minuted, then go to the pullup bar and do a set of pullups. Go back and ride or run another 5 minutes, do another set of pullups. Throw in a set of situps or crunches. You can, if you want to, make any weight training routine into both aerobic and non aerobic, by doing quick light sets, and doing them as quickly as you can, and still do them correctly. If you can get to the gym when it is quiet, you can often set the weights on your bars or machines ahead of time, so you can go quickly from one to the next. 


Get involved in another sport or activity that builds strength. I became a world class athlete without ever having a gym membership. I ran, I did pushups, situps, crunches, pullups.We did plyometric exercises, like jumping onto and off of a wooden box (be careful that it won't slide under you). We used bleachers. We stood still and jumped as high as possible, we jumped forward as far as possible. We picked a line on the floor and jumped side to side over it, back and forth over it. There are many books available on plyometrics.


 I wish there had been Pilates when I was training and competing; some of the strongest people I know do Pilates.  


Don't forget to warm up thoroughly, and to cool down, and to stretch after every workout.  If you can find a workout partner who will challenge you, and who you can challenge, that really helps, too. Working different muscles every workout is a good idea. You won't gain strength as well if you overwork yourself. You are right, too, that it needs to be fun. If it isn't, it just becomes work. You should look forward to your exercise time. Good luck!

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I literally just do what I want 🙂 I go to the gym 4-5 days a week. I lift heavy weights also.


A sample day routine for me is:


Squat- 55 lbs 2 sets, 8 reps


Then I do a lap around the cross fit room walking at a comfortable pace. I do the lap to add in steps lol *sneaky*


Bench Press- 65 lbs. 2 sets, 8 reps


Between all my sets I do a lap around the crossfit room which is the size of a basketball court.


Abs- 16 pound ball and do 60 sit ups while holding the ball above my chest


Then I hit the cardio room


Elliptical for 20 mins


Then Treadmill walk for 20 mins


Usually by the end off all this I have wracked up about 7000 steps for the day


If I get bored I just switch it up and swap out squats for bicep curls or kettlebell lifts. It all depends. My belief is work smarter not harder. Find something you like and stick with it. I keep my heart rate around 145 when doing cardio and this allows me to keep going without becoming discouraged or dreading having to perform the same type of strenuous exertion as the day before. Don't set your mind on a set time or routine at the gym, this keeps me from getting bored or feeling like it's a chore because I have to do this and that before I'm done. Keep it fun and you wont have any problems 🙂

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I'm also a nerd and write down my exercises after performing them. Not sure why I keep a exercise journal but meh lol. I just never liked the thought of a structured routine. My squat weights may seem light at 55 pounds but I am carrying around 60 excess pounds so um yeah lol

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Try Jefit app! So many different workouts. I'm loving it.  Also been working on Zombie, Run. Fun as well.

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