02-02-2017 16:04
02-02-2017 16:04
Hello im hoping someone can help me out .Today I ran on my treadmill
for 55 minutes the Speed was 9mph & once i was done my Treadmill says 300 calories burned , my
Charge2 says 586 calories burned I didnt put my age or weight in tredmill I just want to know which calorie calculation is right the Charge 2 , or my treadmill , please help thank u.
02-02-2017 16:49
02-02-2017 16:49
@Queenny, the Charge 2 will be a lot closer than the treadmill. It may overcalculate the calories, but it will be a lot closer than the treadmill because the Charge 2 uses your profile information and the heart rate to calculate calories. The treadmill uses a "national average" to calculate the calorie burn based on speed, time, and incline during the exercise.
02-02-2017 17:25
02-02-2017 17:25
@Queenny Hello! I actually read your post twice to make sure I read it right. Its usually the treadmill that over calculates calories not the tracker. But as Larry pointed out, I would go with your tracker. Based on the data he sited, it will be closer to reality than the treadmill.
Elena | Pennsylvania